♡Lunch time♡

740 11 41

Toya was sitting down, at his desk while he waited for the lesson to come into an end. They had science right now. He had already done was was teacher was yelling to do.

Maybe the teacher was the reason he disliked this lesson. But that didn't matter anyways. He was too hungry to focus since he had a fight with his father and akito was angry at him.

He didn't want to tell him for his hunger as it would be considered 'rude'. But akito got mad because he felt like he wasn't trusted or good enough.

Toya looked outside the window. It was raining. That meant he cant go see akito. He out a sigh before getting back on his feet and supposedly coping what the teacher had wrote down the white board.

At least he had the skill to write very fast and he finished it in no seconds, but again he was bored.


Lunch time finally came. He was sitting at his seat before noticing that the students of his class were all in the door talking to someone..?

He got up to see what was going on. As he picked his head to see what was going on he saw akito and some other girls making fun of him?

No they weren't exactly doing that.. they were kelt telling something that made akito embarrassed but angry.


"Ah..! Toya! Can you please tell them that we aren't dating because they dont believe me!"



"Ah.. yeah yeah.. we aren't dating."

"But toya..! When we were playing truth or dare you said that you lik-"

"No.. it was a joke. Now.. do you want akito to come inside?"

"But we aren't allowed."


"He. is. Not. My. Boy. Friend."

"Well whatever just go inside"


Toya gave akito an extra chair to sit, he placed it on the other side of his table so they can face each other.

When they both sat down and got out their lunches a girl from another class asked if she could join.

"Eh.. maybe another time"



"Well.. just for your information my dad owns the school so you will get kicked out"



She left the class living akito with a smirk on his face.

"Is she a Roblox kid or something l..? Because the school is totally not her fathers.".

"Mhm.. she just wants attention"

"Well whatever.."

"I see that you have a way different food today compered to the others that you buy or bring from your house"

"Yeah wanna try?"


"Its a bit spicy so be careful"

"Okay thanks"

Akito got one on his chop sticks. He placed his other hand under the chop sticks trying not to make any mess at toyas desk.

Toya leaned and ate the food that akito offered him. It was actually not too spicy. But for toya was spicy.

After he leaned back, the whole class was staring at them

"Oh yeah.. totally not dating"


"Its not how it looks like!"

"Bitch we are not in a movie or your mom so chill out and accept that you like this bicth."


"Fine i will help you!"


She pushed akito on top of toya while another student did the same to toya. They crushed their lips together before pulling back in shame.

"Fine.. i am gay"


Words: 585

Tysm for almost 400 votes!!!!!!

Im sorry that this is small

Btw guess who is my fav crypton vocaloid

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Btw guess who is my fav crypton vocaloid.

Level: extremely hard

Oh and i just spend 12k on this mafuyu banner just to get only a 4 star shizuku.

I want to cry

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