♡And you are...?♡

775 13 3

Akito knocked the door to the Aoyagi house. And for his surprise it took actually a bit of time for the door to open.

And of course once the door opened he was met with Toyas father. He had a pissed look on his face, like always. Well.. that could explain his ugly face akito thought.

He was holding some flowers on his one hand while on the other was a brown bag that had a red bow on top of it.

He was planning to ask Toya out today.. since it was valentines day but mr luck wasn't feeling it up for this year and that day was on weekend and not on a normal Monday.

So poor akito had to deal with toyas father. And not only that. Toya had inform his that his brothers are coming over with their partners for the weekend.

So he had to deal with them too. Akito took a big deep breath before answering with the best lie he could ever think of. It was way better than his excuses why he went like shit in the exams but not as good to trick his mother.

"Hello.. mr aoyagi. Is toya here?"


"Eh... So.. he likes a girl and asked me to bring him his stuff that he forgot at my house."

"Okay... I will give it to him"

"I prefer if i did it"

"And why is that?"

"Ehhhh.. cause he needs advice from he since im already on a relationship with the girls best friend!"

Ohh an was sure gonna kill him if she learnt that lie. Well he didn't want to die by Toyas dad so he could accept that.

"Tsk.. i will.. ugh come in. But quick. We have guests over"


Akito ran towards toyas room. He entered without knocking and what he saw left him speechless. His cheeks got red of embarrassment.

Toya was shirtless, sweat dripping down his body while he was being in a challenging with one of his brothers on a push-up thingy.

Toyas hair was falling to his face.

"How hot could you possibly be.."

Akito said without realising it.

"Huh?! Akito?!"

"I-i! I meant that is pretty hot in here.. also.."


Toya got on his feet while he wiped away the sweat with a blue towel before putting his shirt back on. He sat on his bed and softly placed his hand on the chair pointing her to akito.

"I didn't know you knew how to do pushups!"

"Oh.. i thought that they would help me with my exercising program.. since i was getting too easily tired."

"Mhmm.. interesting!"

"Oh..! You think?"


Toyas cheeks became pinkish. His brothers were staring at them. A bit suspicious but they didn't say anything.

"So.. em.. could i talk to you in private?"

"Yeah.. sure!"


"Mind if you leave for a bit guys?"

"Kay.. call us when you finish"

They got out of the room but didn't leave the area. They sat outside of toyas room to hear their conversation.

"So.. what did you wanna tell me aki? And why did you bring flowers?"

"Eh.. ugh.. i.., can you be my boyfriend?!"



"You serious?!"


"I would love to"

Toya hugged akito tight snuggling his nose to his neck. Akito could feel how big if a smile the older one had.

"I'm..  I'm glad.."

Akito answered as he placed his hands around Toyas waist.

"Does that mean thta I can kiss you"

"Well.. if you want to I mean yeah:


Toya kissed Akito in the lips without any warning.  Akito melt to the kiss. After they pulled back Akito gave him his gifts.  He said beside him in the bed to open together the bag .

Once they did they reviled two hats and two plushies that were both orange and blue. Akito took the blue stuff while Toya the orange.

"Toya!!!! Tell you're Friendtl leave!!! You have to eattt!!!! Grab and your brother toooo!"


"Oof.. we cant even have a date.."

"Tomorrow afternoon? After practice?"

"Okay.. see you then?"

"Yeah.. eh. I love you"

"I do too. Now I'm gonna deal with your da-"

Akito opens the door just to reveal Toyas brothers laying on top of the door to hear the best.


"So\~~ good job Toya!!!"

"Thanks.. "

Toya answered to one of his brothers girls.

"Ey.. I gotta go.. see you "




After dinner they 2ent back to Toya room without akito.

"Sooo what will you do tomorrow afternoon?!?!?! "

"You heard everything did you?"

"Eeeek.. of course I did. Who wouldn't?"

Words: 780

I hope you are doin one!

Tysm for 570+ votes 


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