♡Can you feel it?♡

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Toya entered the stage beside Akito, An and Kohane.

They were ready to perform. Once again, every time they were getting closer to their goal.

They made their selfs comfortable, taking a look at the filled crowd that was going wild now.

Toya took a breath. He then closed his eyes, focusing on the wooden floor underneath him.

He suddenly felt a light touch to his shoulder. He looked over to see Akito smiling at him. He smiled back.

The music started playing. It was louder than usual. Just like Toya enjoyed. His voice was beautiful like everytime.

Sweat was dripping down, their eyes sparkling. Akito was sitting closer to Toya. They could feel the same hot feeling, that was now floating between them.


Toya was sitting down to a bench at the backstage, drinking water. An was hugging tight Kohane, telling her how amazing she was. -Like every time-

Akito was just looking at him, waiting for Toya to finish. Once he did toya looked over at Akitos hands that were started moving.

Toya smiled. Akito was still practicing very hard the signing language. Kohane was actually way better than Akito when it came to communicate with Toya, but that didnt made Akito give up.

Instead he tried every time harder. Toya became deaf during a car accident with Akito. Thank g0d Akito just broke his arm and some other body parts.

Instead Toya became deaf and he was in a coma for some weeks. But that didnt stop his love for the music.

He could match the beat of the song by feeling the voice waves. He was still able to see and feel. Nothing was more important than seeing his partner, teammates and some small stuff that made his day bright.

Everyone in sekai was practicing the language. Toya felt really lucky to have people around him that cared so much.


One day Toya approached Akito. He yelled. "Atito!" -he was still new to the actual speaking.-

Akito turned and saw Toya. He smiled. He them turned his eyes focusing in his hands trying to make a sentence.

'Hi Toya.. how are home...no you?'


Both of them laughed. Toya then got closer to Akito.

"Atito..I.. lobe you"


Luckily toya was able to read lips too.

"I-I love you too!...a wait!"

'I love you too'

He the  looked back to Toya that had tears all over his face.

He gave a warm smile to Akito. Then Akito placed his hand to Toyas chick bringing them closer. Their lips touched.

It didnt last long but it was enough. The two boys stayed there for a bit more before heading to the vivid street.


Today was the day that Toya would hear again. He and toya -and his father ofc- entered the room.

After the doctor made sure Toya was ready. He then placed a black thing to Toyas ear. It looked like an earpod to Akito.


Akitos eyes widen up.

He then hugged the older male, not minding the doctor. Toyas dad looked kinda angry and that's when Akito flipped him off.

"I love you Toya.. can you hear me?"


Tears fall down to his cheeks. He hadn't heard Akitos voice for almost a year. It felt magical.


Just like this the VBS continued stepping forward. Until their dream came truth.

Hi guys. I'm sorry for the small chapter. I'm just not mentally okay. -strick parents-
I hope you can understand.

Spoiler: next chapter will have angst and smut

I hope you enjoyed!

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