♧Once u enter, there's no return♧

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Tw:blood, scary stuff etc.

Toya was heading to his friends house, just to pick him up for a walk. He had his birthday last week and akito had bought him two tickets for an arcade that wasn't exactly the most heard around the town.

Toya knocked the door. After a couple of seconds the door was open reveling the orange haired boy.

They both walked to the train station, talking about weird things.

Once the train came both of them entered, they made their way to the back sits.

Akito sat beside toya, he was holding his hand for a reason, that be didn't even know yet. But..

Toyas hands felt warm compared to his cold ones. He then turned his head to face the other one.

Their eyes met since toya was already looking at him. A light chuckle escaped toya.

Akito then placed his other hand on toyas cheeks. The result was predictable. Toya became a blushing tomato while him and akito leaned closer to each other.

Their noses touched, and after some seconds their lips met too. They were getting a few weird stares but that didn't matter at the moment.

Once both of the males pulled back akito finally spoke.

"You.. know, i still want to date you.."

"I want..i really want but.."

"Yes, yes.. i know your father! Ugh..i hate him much.. like, why does he even care about your sexuality?!"

"He is my dad after all akito..and dont get him wrong.. you didn't gave him the best first impression.."

"Huh?! What do you mean by that toya! And since when you pick sides?!"

"Calm down aki.. im still on your side, dont worry.. but i dont really think that your family would like me if i joked around about adult stuff.. in front of your parents.."

"You got a point.. anyways.."

"Thank you for going out with me."

"Don't worry.. i gotcha!"

"I love you, i love you a bit too much.."

"I dont care. I still love you the most"


"We wont start a fight about this shits right..?"

"I forgot akito doesn't have the word 'romantic' in his vocabulary.."

"Shut up"


After a good while the train finally arrived to the station they needed to get off.

They walked for a bit more until finding the small arcade that akito had bought tickets for.

It looked yellow on the outside of the building and the doors weren't looking too trustful.

Well..its not like akito would spend his whole savings for an arcade. But he did find one that the comments were weird and of course he had to check it out.

Especially when the tickets were half the price of the arcade that toya is using to go.

Akito had to take this opportunity and make the deal. He hoped that it had at least on good game or all the time it got to come here was literally waste.

They could have practiced a new song..or maybe convincing toya to become his boyfriend.

Both of the boys entered the arcade. Once they entered in the place smelled weird.

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