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Tw: alcohol, allergy attack? Idk

Akito had finally turned 18, and thats when Rui had the perfect idea to drive everyone with his mini van to tokyo. He had friend that had bar. So since everyone was an adult they decided to go out for a drink.

He picked up toya, akito, ena, mizuki, tsukasa, nene, emu, an and kohane. They were all ready to begin their mini trip.

Sadly the trip wasn't too enjoyable thought. Tsukasa had the idea to eat a whole bad of chips before leaving. The result was to throw up every so often.

Thankfully they had some space for themselves in the van. Rui and tsukasa were sitting in the front while ena, mizuki and kohane were sitting in the middle sits, lastly but not least toya, akito and an were on the back sits.

After a lot of suffering, they finally arrived at the bar. They got in all excited, promising that they wont get drunk. Rui didn't allow to himself to get an alcoholic drink since he was the one that was driving.

He had to take care of everyone for now.


After a good while of having fun, drinking and dancing rui decided to call it a day so he took everyone back into his van.

Most of them didn't really drink that much as they expected. Thankfully nobody was drunk except emu. She accidentally drank the whole bottle of alcohol that they were having.

She end up throwing up and collapsing into the ground but it was all good since tsukasa and nene took care of her.

Now they were all inside the car. Akito was eat a sandwich with toya, they needed to eat something strong if they didn't want to throw up the next day.

On the other hand tsukasa had fallen asleep. Mizuki and An were talking about the school dress code rule and how unfair it was, even though An the school monitor.



"I.. dont fell good.."

"What do you me-"

Ena turned her head to face her younger brother and what she saw left her speechless.

"Rui! Quick stop the car now!"

"Okay.. why thought?"

"Just do it dammit! Quick! Kohane give me his bag!"


"Thanks.. now where is this.."



Rui finally stopped the car. Just in time before akito opened the window and threw up. Toya, that was sitting on the side of the window slowly rubbed akitos back to calm down.

"Are you okay akito?"


"Finally found it!"

"What were you looking for?"

"Is that a needle?"


Ena quality got out of the car.

"Toya please open the door and carry akito outside"


Toya did as he was told. He grabbed akito and carried him outside the van in bridal style.

He then placed him away from the puke. Akitos head was resting on top of Toyas legs while his body was laying on the cold street.

His face was red and he could breath properly. Not until ena sat beside him. She prepared the needle before pulling a bit down akitos pants.

Everyone else was outside of the van waiting for ena. They were all staring at her in a very weird way.

But suddenly toya realized what was happening.

He remembered that Akito is deathly allergic to some types of cheese. But the sandwich that they ate was given by rui, that had order it with all the small details from the bar.

The workers in the bar probably didn't take him seriously and now there was a chance of akito dying.

Thankfully, since ena grew up with him and his allergic reactions, she knew what to do, how and when.

Before pressing the needle inside of akitos leg she made sure that her little brother was feeling safe and secured.

Toya was hugging him, holding him tight, but akito was still scared. It was one of those rare times that ena would see akito crying.

Usually their parents did it so she wasn't really an expert. But she still had to save her brother.

After the needle got pulled out of akitos body, ena got up throwing the leftovers in a trash bag. She told rui and tsukasa to go buy some medical stuff from the nearest pharmacy.

Toya placed akito inside of the car and laid him down. He needed to relax.

Before akito had a chance to leave the car akito pulled him over for a kiss.

"I love you"

"I love you too, toya"

Toya smiled.. he laid beside him before closing his eyes. They were both exhausted anyways.

Everyone else except akito beated up the guy that gave the wrong sandwich to them.


Tysm for 28.8k views!!!



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