
985 17 45

Tw: making out

It was another normal day for toya and his friends. He was now walking towards his school wiht his partner Akito. It was currently raining and they were sharing an umbrella.

Cause akito, as always forgot it at his room. With the homework pages he didn't study. Well its not like he really cared but whatever.

After a couple of minutes they finally arrived at their school. Once they entered the building they were met with Mizuki and An. They were talking about a quiz that they were going to write later.

Lucky akito he had prepared with toya yesterday for the quiz and he would beat an. Their little bet was everything he actually cared about. He didn't care about the stuff that he had to memorize.

Not a lot of time later the bell finally rang. He got separated from toya, his buddy and when towards his class. First period started with Math. He would probably take a nap during that time.

On the other hand, toya was working hard, trying to make the best as possible notes for akito to revise since he knew that he didn't pay attention to the class. He needed to do double the work for his tired friend.

And thats how ot went. After a couple of hours lunch hour had finally came. Akito left his class rushing towards Toyas. He waited outside while playing a game on his phone.

Not a long time after he saw students leaving the room. He of course greeted them before stepping in. He saw toya taking some more notes that the teacher had wrote down the white board before closing his school books and getting his pocket money.

He was finally ready for lunch. He turned his head around to face Akito. His smile reached his ears. He said goodbye to his Sensei and made his way towards akito but before having a chance to leave Nene stopped him.

A classmate of his, had a problem with a math problem so she decided that it would be the best if she asked toya now, since he was the best student of her class, to help her out a bit.

Toya didn't mind at all. He sat back down to his desk showing her the correct way on solving it while he tried his best to explain why and how.

On the other hand akito as just standing there, pissed that toya was helping nene and not going to eat with him. He was starving. And the worst part was the fact that the cheesecake that the school was selling had sold out.

He leaned his head towards the white wall while he watched with the corner of his eyes toys and nene saying some stuff that he couldn't clearly make out.

Not because he couldn't hear. But because he couldn't understand. Math. Ugh he hated that lesson. He was literally ready to leave toya behind before getting stopped by a classmate of toyas.

"What happened? You jealous that she stole your man?"

"Come in dude! You know that we aren't dating!"

"Yeah.. yeah.. whatever you say.. anyways... What brings you here?"

"Toya, duhh... I just want to eat and he keeps tutoring her like nothing. He didn't even say hi to me or some shit"

"Well i gotta agree to the part of the food and stuff. Thats why i always make sure to buy it from my local supermarket and not having to worry about it the next day "

"Well thats smart but whatever. Im leaving "

"See ya"


Akito went to the cafeteria and bought a sandwich for himself. He sat down alone in a bench and started eating while his other hand was scrolling through his phone.

'sheesh that chick is hot..'

He liked a picture of a cheesecake that was filled with strawberry syrup.

Some minutes later toya sat beside him eating an apple.

"Sorry for before.."

"Ugh.. whatever.."

"What can i do to make it up for you"


"Follow me"


Toya placed his leftovers on his bag together with akito while he followed him towards the bathroom.

Once they got in akito made sure that nobody was there. After a couple of minutes of him acting suspicious the restroom was finally free.

He suddenly pinned toya to one of the walls. His smirk was way bigger than he thought.

"Aki.. again?"

"Come on.. you were the one that asked for it last time!"


Akito didn't wait for an answer. He crushed his lips with toyas. Toya returned the kiss.

His hands wrapped around akitos neck while he pulled toyas face closer with his hands being stuck between his cheeks.

Suddenly a student of Toyas class walked in seeing this amazing picture. He wanted to laugh but instead he just stayed silent and left. Toya blushed a bit before placing a kiss on akitos forehead.

"You could never be replaced"

"I know"

Akito hugged him tight before pulling off to was his face that was burning.

Words: 850


I beg yall ಠ_ಠ

tysm for almost 700 votes


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