♡SHIT! HIDE.pt2!♡

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After hours of akito suffering with toyas notes, they finally finished reviewing every single chapter before heading towards the kitchen to eat dinner.

It was pretty late, around 1am, toya had informed thankfully his parents that he will probably stay over at his friends house since they had to get through a lot of stuff.

On the other hand akito wanted toya to stay but also he didn't know how to bake the cookies without toya seeing him. Anyways they should first eat, wash up and maybe he will wake up earlier than toya to make him the cookies.

This seems like the most logical plan.

"Hmm what would you like to eat toya"

"I dont mind, I don't wanna be a bother "

"Nuhhh man come on.. ehhv wanna order something??"

"I forgot my wallet at my room.. sorry"

"Its on me dont worry, well is pizza okay with you?"


"Kay then, you can go take a shower since it will take some time for them to bring it"



"Its passed midnight... I dont think they are open, now that i rethink about it".

"Well shit. Sandwich it is. Gonna make some. You can go take a shower still, and if you wanna help me out, organise your books so we could have somewhere to lay on after".


'Okay now i will be able to make the cookies. Aaaa where did mom put tge cooking book.'


"Akito, i finished organising everything and i just got out of the shower, what are you do-"

Akito was sweaty, sandwiches half dying in sight, the kitchen a mess, but at least the cookies where almost finished.

*Huf, huf*

"Do-dont worry, gosh, ehhg gimme a second to go take a shower.."

"Okay, anything else that you need help with?"

"Ehhh.. can you take out thr trash out?"

Oh akito made toya do his chores, he kinda felt bad but he had to distract his best friend as he showered.

"Anyways when you finish come to my room and pick whatever movie you wanna watch while we eat."


Thats when both of them separated ways again. Akito rushed to take a shower and toya slowly took the trash out. After the quickest shower of his life akito dragged toya to his room with the food.

They ate, talked, like they would usually do, but this time it was a bit different. Akito thought that he kept smelling something burning. After a few minutes he finally realised it was the cookies.


Akito run downstairs trying to find the oven to take the cookies out. He didn't even remembered when he placed them in. Wasn't he supposed to do this early in the morning? Ughh what was going on.

Smoke wad everywhere, ge couldn't see anything, suddenly everything started spinning and spinning until he couldn't take it anymore and passed out. His vision became blank and his sensions disappeared.


"Akito...??? Oh my gosh you are finally awake"

Toya hugged tightly Akito.


"You passed out when i asked you to be my .. boyfriend.."


"ah.. sorry.. its fine if you don't want, sorry for making you uncomfortable.."

"Wait what, huh, what happened to the fricking cookies?!"

"Eh..? What cookies?"

"Oh my god. Tota what date is today ..?"

"Its valentine's day, don't you remember?"

"Oh my.. i had the weirdest dream ever.. now to answer your question.. yes i want to but what the aaaa"

"What dis tou see akito?"

"Nevermind that. Come here"

Akito squeezed toya tigher, giving him a kiss on both cheeks.

"Sorry being a trouble maker once again"

Akito whispered. Toya responded with a kiss on the lips. Akito couldn't kiss him back properly since toya kept smiling but he didn't mind.

"Wanna go out sometime sweetheart?"

Akito flirted jokingly.

"Mhm.. what about that cafe you have been telling me about?"

"Sure thing..! When are you free?"

"Is tomorrow good for you?"


Akito closed his eyes once again kissing his now boyfriend. Gosh he loved him so much. Thank goodness that was a dream or else the cookies would taste like his grandpa's ashes.. well it didn't matter now since he had toya, and he already knew what to give him back when white day comes..

IM ALIVE ONCE AGAIN PPL. Im writing the final exams of this year please send help im suffering. Im planning on posting another chapter tomorrow for toyas bday :).


also i have a new story if anyone is interested in reading its called " From the day i remember"


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