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Tw: mentions of sex, inspired by watamote.
Toya is like tomoko, be prepared.

Also people that had actually watched the anime would understand better but i tried my best to explain!

It was just another normal day for Toya aoyagi. A now first year high schooler, that was making his plans on how to meet up new friends, make up his past and get a girlfriend.

He was now on top of his computer watching a new anime that just came out. He was half asleep since he had spend the last 5 hours watching and playing different online games.

But he didn't feel any guilt about it. He actually enjoyed his life like this until his mother called him to come down to eat dinner.


"Yeah.. coming...!"

Toya took of his headphones before wearing his sleepers and going down stairs to eat with his family. His sister, Shiho, was already there. Sitting alone eating her curry.

"Come on... We dont have too much time! Your father has to leave for work in a bit!"

"Im here"

Toya sat down to the table, grabbing the chop sticks that were placed beside his bowl. He started eating up his rice together with whatever was on the table.

He had to eat a lot and get a lot of energy since tomorrow was a very big day for him. He was finally entering high school. It was his time to become popular and get on a relationship.

After he finished his dinner he placed his dish on the sink before going upstairs on his room closing the door as always. He got back on his computer and searched on Google..

"Best ways to make a good impression to school"

And after that he started his researches. Most of the stuff were already done, like having his uniform clean, his backpack and lunch box ready from the night before or eat 3 full meals a day and get plenty of sleep.

Well.. he was currently working on the last one. He couldn't help himself but continue to watch different anime or reading manga that his parents didn't know he had.


After a couple of hours he finally closed his computer and went to bed. He covered himself with his blanket and hugged his curly pillow.

I will become popular. Tomorrow is a new start...

Toya thought to himself before falling asleep.

And just like that the next day came by. He got up, wore his uniform and grabbed his bag before leaving for school. He didn't really know anyone from there so he hoped that he could at least make one friend today.

As he entered his school a strange feeling filled him up. He felt his stomach to tighten up before having to run towards the bathroom.

He threw up.

Well maybe all the stress of becoming popular overwhelmed him a bit. But there was nothing he needed to worry about.

He was now trying to find his classroom, once he did he entered waiting to see cool kids that he could spend time with. A cool seat towards the center of the class could give him enough fame.

Or at least thats what he thought. His seat was placed in the back of the classroom to the right corner beside the window.

Oh well... He could be like Kira from death note. Nobody would know.

As he sat down and took off his book from his bag pack lots of students were surrounded to the front of the class so poor toya didn't have anyone to share anything with.

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