♡Ms. Shinonome♡

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Toya and Akito were sitting outside the rooftop of their school. It was hot summer day, sadly they couldn't go swimming.

They had instead to be in school and sweat like crazy. Like literally. One time a girl approached Akito to ask him something about the school program.

And when the girl touched his shoulder to get his attention from Toya her hand got wet. She then left running towards the bathroom,

Leaving poor Akito confused. Well he was disgusting, but whatever.

Both both boys would live school soon for a trip that they had planned some weeks ago.

Sadly for Akito wonderlands x showtime group would be there that meaning he had to deal with tsukasa.

But that didn't matter at the moment since he was going to swim at swimming pool with Toya and eat his favorite food for 3 days.

He might even find the courage to confess to Toya. Well.. that one could wait actually.


Toya woke up earlier than he was suppost to, he brushed his teeth, ate breakfast and even reviewed the lastesson of history.

After some time he finally left the house and made his way to Akitos. Once he arrived he knocked the door.

No answer.

He knocked again but this time the door was opened by Akitos mother.

"Who knocks this earl-! Oh Toya..! Sorry I forgot.. its today's trip right?"

"Yea ms Shinonome."

"Have fun you guys. I will go wake up Akito. Come in dont stand up there alone."

"Thank you"

Toya took off his shoes before entering the living room. He sat at the couch living his backpack at the ground.

"Oh.. Toya. I have an important call to answer. Mind if you wake up Akito. Sorry sweetie"

"Oh it's okay. I will wake him up. Take your time ms Shinonome"

"Thank you my child, I wish Akito had that personality..anyways I gotta go"


Toya got up the stairs to find Akitos room. Once he reached it he knocked softly the door.

No answer again.

He then just went inside Akitos room. He sat at the edge of the bed where Akito was sleeping shirtless since it was summer.

He was snoring but not too much. He must practiced late again since they are going to miss their practice this weekend.

Toya slowly shakes Akitos body to wake him up. In return he earn a groan from the other male.

He then tried again. But this time he was pushed down the bed by Akito. The orange haired boy snuggled his nose to Toyas hair.

"Mhm stay.."

And then he continued sleeping. Toya gave him a sweet smile before returning the hug. Well he still had a lot of time before meeting up with the rest of the group so he could cuddle a bit.

Not ten minutes later Akito woke up beside Toya. He quickly pushed him self away and looked toya confused.


"Oh! Good morning Akito. How did you sleep?"

"Why are you here?!"

"I came earlier than I was suppost to and then your mother said to woke you up because she could and when I tried to wake you up you pulled me into the bed and told me to stay"

~Akitoya one shots~Where stories live. Discover now