♧My dear prince♧

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Implied ships: MizuEna and Anhane

Akito the prince of the Vivid castle, had to travel with his parents and his annoying sister, to another kingdom. They had to meet the prince Aoyagi.

Akito wasn't a big fun of field trips, especially when he was stuck with a dizzy Ena that threw up every 10 minutes.

Honestly how could this girl get that much dizzy from riding a horse?


Toya the prince of Yokahama castle. He had a very important meeting today, was meeting the Shinonome family.

His parents had inform him that if this meeting goes well the war between the two kingdoms would stop, and the poor hungry people would be happy again by helping one another without having to worry about enemies.

Toya was already dressed up waiting at the dinning room. He had woken very easy today, he was actually very happy to meet someone new, that wasn't from this castle.

His parents were very strick for most of the things. They were perfectionists. Just like Toya.

An, Toyas cousin was sitting beside him being lost in thoughts looking outside the window.

"Hey something wrong?"

"Yeah... I think I like the new waitress..she so cuteeee"

"Yeah she is.."

"Hey! Go find your self someone she is mine!"

"What about your parents thought?"

"That's the problem!"

"Please handle the things easily and don't overdo anything."

"Got it"


Akito and his family had just arrived to the kingdom. They were sent directly at the dinning room while their stuff were being carried away.

Once Akito walked inside he saw it. He saw Toya. A small innocent child that was dragged into this war mess. He was just like him. He got all this Information from his eyes. The eyes that looked gray, like they weren't giving any color to his life.

He sat down next to him. He lowered his head trying to mind his own business but he couldn't. He just sat there staring at the other boy until he spoke.

"Your majesty, I'm Akito shinonome, prince of The vivid castle. It's my pleasure to meet you in person."

He tried his best to sound as smart as possible but it failed in Toyas eyes.

"Toya Aoyagi.. prince of this.. castle. It's my pleasure to meet you too. Also there is not need to be that formal."

"Got it!"

Sooner or later the food had arrived making both families dig in. After their dinner, Toyas family told him that he should show Akito around and when he gets tired he should show him the way to Toyas room. (They were going to sleep at the same room for more safety)


"Here is the library and lastly the kitchen that only very highly recommended chefs cook our.. food"

"Woah you know a lot about your kingdom... I dont even know where the dinning room is" Akito joked around.

He then turned his head to face Toya that was now chucking.

"Could we head into your room.. I kinda got tired."

"I have no problem.. by the way, for now its not just my room, it's your too. Please be comfortable with me, I know how you feel. The pressure of having to be perfect."

"Yeah.. and thanks! You are a really good guy.."


As they were heading towards the room  Akito smiled at himself thinking how glad he was that he didn't have to share a room with his sister.

"I will go take a bath, if you need anything just ask Mizuki over there. They are very helpful and know the castle better than me!"

"Okay thanks. If I need help I will ask them"

-just like this the days passed peacefully. Akitos and Toyas relationship became more powerful everyday. They understood each other so well that even  Akitos own mother couldn't. Until one night both of the two young boys were sitting down in the sand near the beach. They could hear the waves that were moving inside the water and after splashing into the rocks.-


"Akito.. since you are going to leave, how will we talk to each other?"

"You are so stupid.. we could write letters to each other, or if everything goes well you could visit our kingdom next time."

"Yeah you are right"

"Hey Akito  do you like.. someone romantically?"

"I'm not sure...why?"

"Well my parents are forcing me to purpose on your sister, and they said I should ask first your permission and stuff, ..but I do not like your sister that way.."

"Oh.. I'm sorry..  but you could marry somebody else."

"Like who? I'm not interested in women..i-i mean I haven't found the right one yet!"

"Congrats for coming out I guess." akito laughed at his own joke until he placed his hand to Toyas cheek.

"Akito?!" Toyas eyes came to a realization.

"Yeah.." he then leaned a bit more ready to kiss those pinkish lips he was waiting for this whole time but he was cut off by Toya pulling him into a deep kiss.

It didn't last too long. They both looked at each other. They were both red. Until Akito got up and then laying a hand for Toya to grab.

The rest of the night went peacefully with kisses and cuddles on Toyas bed.


They didnt get married. Neither told their parents. But they just waited. And waited. Until their 18 birthday. Now they were officially kings.

And since they had the right to do whatever they wanted  Akito proposed to him. Stopping every war between the kingdoms. Both of them could finally leave happy together. With Toyas cousin and their girlfriend. And Mizuki with their partener that weren't sure about the relationship yet. It was Akitos sister Ena..


Words:950 I know it's small but I'm planning to write a big one and cut it into 2-3 chapters.

By the way again tysm for the views and votes! You guys always my day.

I hope you enjoyed!

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