♡Genshin impact what?!♡

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Toya was laying on his boyfriend's lap  playing a game on his phone, while Akito played a game on the playstation.

Suddenly he heard a character from Toyas game groaning.

"You Toya what are you watching?"

"Ah.. nothing important:

"Then why is he groaning"

"He is fighting"

"Fighting for what?"

"Get a reward"

"Can I guess the reward?.. probably po-?"

"No Akito..  it's just a game"

"Whatever.. name?"

"I just downloaded it. It's called genshin impact"

"I've heard it before"

"Nice.. ima go make dinner"



They were both sitting down the dinning table  eating home made sushi. Toya had prepared those for a special occasion.

Usually when Akito was mad at him for stupid reasons like this one. Akito was literally mad at his boyfriend for playing a game that he hasn't played before.

He knew it was stupid but he wouldn't give up. After he finished his food he got up without waiting for Toya to finish his food.

"Where are you going?"

"To my room. I ain't feeling it today for cuddles"

"Ah.. okay.."

"Good night"

"Wont you kiss me?!"

"Ah.. yes right"

He got closer to Toya, placing a soft kiss on his forehead. His heart ached for not kissing his lips.

Toya looked at his mad, but he did t say a word. He just grabbed his phone and went to his room.

Akito was left alone in the living room. He was surprised by Toyas actions, but at the same time he was proud got his boyfriend.

He actually needed to kiss Toya before heading to bed. He couldn't sleep without him either.

He knocked on the door until he heard a soft voice letting him inside him room.

Akito walked over at Toya, looking inside his eyes. He felt guilt for acting so childish.

He knew it was stupid. He placed his hand on top of Toyas.

"Hey. I'm sorry for making up such a stupid fight"

"Very very stupid"

"This is what I just said!:

"Yeah I know"

"Well then-! Ugh anyways. Em.. wanna go cuddle?"

"Why should I say yes?"

"Cause you know that we cant sleep unless we are together right? Plus it's a cold night and I want to get warmed up."

"Fine. Ylu changed my mind, but you own me"

"A visit at the arcade is enough?"

"Mzke it 3 and we will be just fine,"

"Okay.. fine"

"Good. Now let's go to your room before it's too late. I have a big essay for tomorrow"

"Yea, yeah."


They were both now cuddling to the bed until Akito broke the silence.

"Can I download the game too?..so we can play together?"

"Yeah. Of course!'

"Kay then. "

The next day, Alito and Toya were sitting on the couch with their phones on their hands playing together the game 'genshin impact'

"Ugh! Come on! This bitxh died!"

"You mean amber?"

"Yeah.. how is yours still alive,."


Toya joked around, until he had to pose the game since An was calling him.

"Be right back"



"An said she will come over with Kohane and Ena, to play all together the game!"

"Ena?! Why the fuck her?!... font tell me she knew the game before me..WHAT IF SHES BETTER THAN ME...UGHHH"

"Dornt worry Akito. I'm sure she us not going to be that good to pass your skills. You almost won this challenge, so should we practice a bit more?"

"Okay.. by the way... sorry for yesterday."

"I told you it's fine.."

"Do you love me?"


"Of course"

Toya got closer until their lips met again. But say they had to break the kiss since the girls came way earlier.

Well whatever.

Words:620 I'm sorry it's small I had a road trip again we arrived night at the house.

Btw I just downloaded genshin impact, so I dont rlly know stuff  about it.

Here is my UID

If you want to add me cuz I dont have frids

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