♧High school♧

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Toya was the popular boy in this school. Everybody knew him, he was well known for his grades, kindness and his breathtaking face.

Almost every girl in the school had a crush on him. But poor toya was never interested on them.

He had tried multiple times to date girls but every time he failed. And he was the one that broke up with every girl.

He thought he would never find someone that is his type. But in the end he didn't even know what his type was.

Until one day. While he was waiting the teacher to come inside his classroom, a oranged haired boy approached him.

"Is this sit taken?"

"E-eh no"

"Mind if i sit?"

"No..no i don't"

"Mkay..my name is Akito shinonome. Yours?"

"Im toya aoyagi"


"Hey you!"


"Yes you! You are new right?''

"Yes and?"

"Toya seems to feel uncomfortable around you so leave!"

"And why should I listen to you?! If he was uncomfortable with me he could have just told me!"

"He is shy and very very kind so now fuck off!"

"Listen here you little shit...-"



Akito left the classroom rushing to the office leaving toya confused.


After the lesson finished it was lunch break and thats when toya decided to find Akito. He wanted to apologize for the trouble that he caused to him.

He knocked the door that said 'principals office'. A strong voice answered, letting him inside.

Once he opened the door a girl with blonde hair ran to him.

"Toya~ thank g0d you finally came to get me right??~"

"Actually no Akiyama, i came here to talk with shinonome.."

"Huh?! You never come to talk to anyone during lunch break! What is going on!?"


"Geez girl chill out a bit. Im not gay i wont still your man.."

"Oh please! Shut up! Even if you were gay toya wouldn't date you!"

"What do you mean by that?!"

"That you are ugly as fu-"

"Thats it guys! Toya please continue before i call their parents..!"

"Thank you.."

Toya sat beside akito.

"Im sorry for all the trouble that she caused.."

Toya whispered to akito.

"Nuh dont worry about it. And by the way. She annoys you right? If yes i can have a small talk with her, for ya because you dont seem the type to tell her.."

Akito whispered at toyas ear. After he pulled back he was met with a pink toya.

"No..no it's fine.. i should go now.."

"Okay.. bye toya!"

"See you shinonome.."

"Please call me akito."

"Okay.. Akito"

The taller boy smiled to them before leaving the room. The older male that was sitting inside the room looked akito.

He then made hearts with his hands that were going towards the door that toya left.

Akito felt his face to get slightly hot. He decided to push it off. It wasnt something important anyway.


Since that day Akito and toya hang around each other almost every day. They had similar thoughts and most importantly they understood each other pretty well.

Toya was a guy that would usually keep his emotions imside him and try to figure out by his self why and how. But whem he was around akito this whole system changed.

Except one feeling. One feeling that made Toyas hard race, his cheeks to become light pink and even giving him dream and nightmares that left him think the whole day.

This was the feeling that he couldn't share with akito. Most importantly he couldn't understand it himself.

But one day this feeling changed. Akito asked him to meet his at the school rooftop after the school finishes.

He said that there was something he needed to tell him.


After the last class ended toya went out of the class like every day. He got his backpack and books from his locker like every normal day he would do.

But this time instead of heading towards the exit door, he went upstairs to the rooftop.

Once he arrived he opened the door to see an anxious akito. He got closer to him  being curious to learn what akito needed to tell him.

"Hi akito"

"Oh.. you're here toya.."

"Mhm..so what did you wanted to tell me?"

"Ah..em. you know that i really enjoy time when i am with you so and I've been thinking for a long time now and.."


"Well..i like you..like a lot.."

"Huh? You are joking right?"

"No.. i really like you.. a lot of time now.."

"Ho-how?! Im a guy!"

"And?! Im gay okay?! Laugh if you want i dont care. You can just reject me and leave."

"No..i.. is this a prank?"


Akito grabbed Toyas hands and pulled him closed to his face. Toyas eyes were wide open.

Akito kissed his lips softly. Before pulling off he bite the upper lip of toyas lips.

Not a lot of seconds later he pulled back.

"Is this enough proof for you?"

"I-i...i like you too akito. I like you since the day you talked to me. You made my heartbeat go crazy. No i dont like you..i love you"

"Your so g0d damn cheesy..but i love you too toya"

Toya placed his hands around akitos necks before pulling akito into a hug. They stayed like this for a bit.

Once they left the rooftop they were stopped by the principal.

He then congratulate them for their relationship. His ship became true.


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