○Car confession○

845 15 38

Tw: smoking, mentions of sex

"Ah.. akito you are such a life savour! We will be back in no time! I swear!!"

"If you need us for anything, anytime call us okay?"

"And we will cancel our two week holiday."

"No need to worry..! By.. the way.."


"Could i bring a friend over? It could be a bit boring with a bunch of kids.. i also need to take a break some times since i have to study for college too. Ha..ha.."

"Could we meet her? We trust you and stuff but i just want to see if she's a match for the kiddos"

"Yeah.. sure i dont mind..and its a he. Not a she."

"Ah.. sorry"

"And then i am the one who is dirty-minded.. tsk"

"Chill out aki.."

"Dont call me like that"


"... personal.. just dont!"

"Oh~~ who is calling you like that?"

"UGH SHUT UP AUNT!..ima.. ima call the, boy!"



*Phone cal 00:03*

-Hey aki!

-nee toya


-remember for the babysitting thing?

-yeah.. why?

-my uncle and the rest want to see you. I-i mean i asked them if you could came here ya know

-Sure. Should i bring my stuff with me?

-yeah i dont think that they will mind.. by the way


-will you come here by foot or do you want me to come pick you up?

-well.. the thing is that i dont know the location neither the streets around there.. so it you could please come

-no problem


-see you in 20?

-see you in 20!

*Phone call 05:33*

"Soo..is he coming?"

"Yeah. I will go pick him up now. See you in a bit"

"Mhm,we will put the last bags inside the car."

"Kay, bai"


Akito arrived at Toyas house in no time. Well.. he was actually staying with his parents for.. 'safety' reasons.

Toya got inside the car, as he sat in the passengers seat. He placed his bags in back of the car.

"How are you?"

"Good you?"


Toya kept staring at the window. It was a beautiful night, cold but still the sky had a gray color, since the clouds were covering him.

"Ah.. shit.."

"What happened?'

"Ugh.. i forgot to buy.. nevermind"

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