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Tw: Homophobia / mentions of sex

Toya was sitting alone in his room, studying the upcoming test. Suddenly his phone lit up.

It was a message from Akito. He picked up his phone to view the message.

'Hello toya. How are you doin? I just wanted to let you know that next Sunday I'm free. We could meet.. up..
Yk. I missed you. And yes I know I saw you at school today but I want to spent more time with you. Em I love you. Good night'

Toya smiled at his phone. His cheeks got hot. He then thought for some minutes a good answer while he checked his program.

'I think I will be free Aki. I missed you too. By the way my butt still hurts. My mother almost noticed! Anyways love you<3 good night Aki'

Aki♡is typing....

'Haha! Good luck with your ass. Get better soon, I wanna try smth else next time.'

'We will see about that"

'Sure sure. Now go sleep. Tomorrow we have a school trip and its early in the morning!"

'How could I forget? Anyways bye honey'

'See ya <3'

Toya closed his phon. His smile almost reached his ears. Him and Akito got together some weeks ago but they still haven't told anyone.

He decided to take a quick shower before heading to bed. His stuff for tomorrows trip were ready.

After the shower he went back to his room to change were he met his father.

"Toya what is this?"

Toyas father was showing Toyas conversation with Akito at his phone.

"Why are you looking through my phone?!"

"Answer the question what is this.. wait what are those things on your neck..dont tell me.."

Toya covered him self up with the closest shirt he could find.

"Give me back my phone!"

"Are you gay?"

That was the question that Toya didnt want to hear.


He looked down.

"You fucking liar!! Look those bite marks you have all over your body damt it! And if you tell me that a girl did that I ain't believing you!!"

"A-and what if I am?"


And that's what Toyas father needed to say, he then didnt let a chance for Toya to speak his mind, he just shut the door and left from his son's room.

Hot tears started running down from Toyas face. He didnt know what to do. He just sat there froze. He woke up after he received a message from Akito.

He finally got dressed up, made up a suitcase that had all his important stuff in and lastly he answered Akito.

'Ena gave me this book. Do you wanted cause I dont think I will read it?'


'Akito can I come over?'

'Yeah..why what happened?'

'I will tell you later. I'm off bye.'


Toya knocked the door, the door immediately opened. Akito welcomed Toya with a warm smile that he had on his face trying to hide his worry.

Toya didn't say a word. He let his luggage and backs to fall into the ground. He approached Akito giving a big tight hug.

He started crying again.

"Hey! What happened?"

"He-he found out Akito.. he found out.."

Akitos eyes were wide open. He then quickly hugged Toya tight trying to calm him down.

Akitos mother was sitting at the living room with Ena. She saw the whole situation and went to ask Toya if he was okay.

"Akito..were will I stay?!"

"Sh..shush we will figure it out together for now late calm down kay?"


Toya backed off as he saw Akitos mother coming nearer. He wiped his tears and tried his best to make a fake smile.

"Hey toya ate you okay? Do you need some water?"

"No thanks..im good"

"Go upstairs I will tell her kay?"


Akito grabbed Toyas wrist before living. He then kissed him on the forehead. He knew his mother would accept him. But he wasn't sure about his father.


When Akito finally arrived to his room Toya hugged him once again. When they pulled out they shared a small kiss.

Not long after the were both cuddling under the sheets. Akito gave Toya something to eat before heading to sleep.

He was now messing around Toyas hair trying to convince him that everything would be okay. Wven thought it was hard for him.

Being kicked out from your own home feels like you killed your self but you end up waking up in your body again but way worst.

After a long time, they both fell asleep. Tomorrows school trip was going to be hard. But who cared. They were going to sleep at the bus.

I love writing angst since I am

A jackpot saddo gurl


Ik it's small sorry.

Tysm for 5k!!!!!!!!

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