♡Here we go!♡

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Tw: alcohol and making out/ weird horny girls

Implied ships:Ruikasa

Btw in cause you have read the latest chapter this is not the school trip they went the next day. This is a complete different story.

Akito, an and  Toya were sitting down, to the grass eating some chips they have brought with them. They arrived around 7 p.m at the hotel.

Their school bus run out of gas so they had to push it until the next gas station. Pretty amazing right?

But luckily this happened on the last minute of the trip. But while they were inside the bus An was sitting behind Mizuki and Ena.

Akito and Toya had picked the sits in the first row since Akito had a weak stomach. They trip was calm, all of them arrived safe.

Some minutes later the teachers announced them that they are free to.do whatever they want, not something illegal though, and that they will have be back at the hotel around 00.00

Toya and Akito excused themselves. An went with Mizuki for food.

They were alone. Akito reccomend to go find a spot for just the two of them. And of course Toya agreed.

They found a tree beside a bench with a lot of flowers around. Toya leaned against the tree, leaving his head to fall back. Akito approached him leaned in top of him.

His lips met Toyas. They were soft and warm like always. He stayed like this for a bit until he was pushed away by some other high schoolers that seemed a bit older. He was grabbed into a bar.

Toya followed him trying to get him out of there. He was later into the bar too, many females were around him, making compliments and trying to turn him on.

He then saw Akito he grabbed his wrist, but before having a chance to leave he was surrounded by women. He was pushed back to the chair, until a gasp escaped him mouth.

A woman was sitting on top of him. She was being very close to him. She then made her ways to Toyas dace trying to kiss him.

But before having the chance to kiss him she was being pushed down by another boy.

Akito grabbed her hair and didn't let go. He wanted her to apologize.

After many beggings Akito ginally let her go. He then went to Toya. They both smelled like alcohol.

He should better explain this to the teachers before it's too late. He and Toya went our of the bar.

Once they found their little spot again, their lips met again.

"I should have shown them your neck, or even better your-"

"Dont continue.. I know. But I ain't interested in women  anyway and you know it...now should we go to tell the teachers? And after that I will buy us pancakes. I believe we both need them right?"



Say the restaurant they went had run out of pancakes so they ordered a cheesecake.

Until Toya saw the girls from the bar. They were approaching Akito this time. Luckily their teachers were around so they didn't have to worry.

One girl with black hair and green eyes talked first.

"Hey you cutie,! Could I borrow ya number?"


"Why baby??"

"Dont call me these shits and I'm taken"

"She doesn't need to know.."


Before the teachers took over Akito grabbed toya by his hoodie and kissed him.

He didn't break the kiss until Toya couldn't breath. He didn't look back to the girls. He just continued making out in front of them completely forgetting about the teachers.

Some minutes later the girls left, with their hands flipping them off. Well they didn't give a fuck about them.

Before Akito and Toya sat back down again the teacher that Toya talked before about the 'bar situation" was staring at them mad.

She then started screaming about hoe wrong it was to be gay and other weird stuff. Akito thought it was funny since she said she isn't homophobic or anything but this is wrong.


Finally the day was over. But sadly not for them. They had to share a room with two upper classmates, that had the same gender.

Akito felt like the unlikeliest person in the world. He had to share his room with Tsukasa and Rui. Oh..and they couldn't stop talking and making weird noises.

He couldn't take it anymore so he got up and went to toyas bed. They then cuddled together, but those cuddles turned into kisses and later.. they were both turned on. But no. Uh-uh tsukasa was moaning probably 'silently' for him.

Akito grabbed Toya and went to the bathroom that the room had. When they got out tsukasa was now silent beside his suppost to be boyfriend.

Ugh..akito had to suffer with those two for another week. Well at least he had Toya.


I'm sorry but my guinea pig haven't ate anything for one day and I'm super anxious cuz he might be sick or smth.

Again tysm for the views!!!

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