♡Im tired♡

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Toya was heading out of his class, trying to find Akito. He looked into the  bathrooms, akitos classroom and even asked his classmates about him.

Though nobody had seen Akito since the class ended. After the answers he got he went to the cafeteria to grab lunch and that's when he saw akito talking to.. other girls?

Well...its not like they are dating to be jealous. But who are those bitches?

He then approached the orange haired boy with a warm smile. Akito immediately hugged Toya, squishing him hard.

They two boys boys looked at each other, akito winked at Toya. He was planning this.

Akito then finally spoke. His lips opened let out his message for the girls to hear.

The message was kinda shocking for them, even for Toya himself. Akito just said that his Toya had been dating for months now.

One of the girls though didnt believed it and started asking for proof.

Akito then turned his head to face toyas eyes. He got closer and closer until their lips met.

Toya didnt pull back and he just started there. Watching the girls go mad crazy, except the ones that were yaoi and yuri fans.

After some second they both pulled back to see the girls that were crying and yelling but instead they were met with an.

She said that she could literally get them kicked out of the school but since they were making such a cute couple she is backing up.


After some more hours of suffering in the hot mess that school created. -the school didnt have fans or air conditioners-

Akito was now free for 2 whole days. The weekend has finally arrived full of video games, music and pancakes.

He had Invited Toya over to stay for the night completely forget the fact that he kissed him.

Once toya arrived Ena opened the door once she saw Toya she gave him a smile but when she turned around to call he brother the smile was disappeared and replaced by anger.

She started yelling from downstairs for Akito to come get his boyfriend. They kept yelling at each other until Akito arrived at the door.

He was welcomed by a blushing Toya. He smiled and let the taller boy in. They went to his room. Akito placed down to his desk the games that were going to play today.

Before having the chance of plugging in the game to his playstation Toya asked him about the kiss and the girls.

Akito froze there in silence trying to find a solution to his answer. Well he couldn't really think of anything so he approached Toya that was bow sitting on his bed.

He sat on his lap and gave him a big hug. Toya returned the hug with a small chuckle that escaped his mouth.

When they finally pulled back they went for another gentle kiss. Toyas soft lips matched perfectly with Akitos.

They pulled back again turning their heads to face the door.

They went into a small date until the pizza arrived. The small date was placed at Akitos small garden that had many flowers with different colors.

He picked a couple of them and gave them to Toya. Both of them blushed a bit. Their eyes met again but now they were shining.

The moon was making it more perfect. "I like you"

"I like you too.. akito."

"Em.. could you be my eh.. boyfriend?"

"I would love to"


Ena was watching the whole thing. She was so evil that she recorded almost everything they did and said.

She send the video the her group chat and an.

I'm sorry this is so small.
I literally fall asleep 2 times while writing this XD


Btw here is my project sekai Id. It's on the English server. Anyone can add mee.

 Anyone can add mee

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