#Apologize now#

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Toya and Akito are in their 30's, they are married and have 4 children. (Help)

Milly-> 16y.
Alex-> 14y.
Olly-> 9y.
Naomi-> 10months

"Hey dad, may my boyfriend stay over for the weekend?"

"Well.. i dont really mind, as long he is nice to your siblings, you both do your homework for Monday and we wont have any fights between us hmm?"

"Yeah, yeah. I will go ask papa now"

"Okay, and door always open!"


"Now go, ask your father"


Milly left her dad alone that was now washing the dishes. It was a Friday afternoon. He was getting ready to cook for his big family. And probably the boy that his daughter would bring over.

"Daddy! Daddy look!"

"What Olly?"

"I drew for Naomi some flowers!!'

"Good job! They are so pretty..!"

"Thanks! I will go draw some for you and papa!"

"I cant wait to see!"


Olly left and went back in his room. Toya just finished washing the last plate before closing the sink. He then went over at his husband that was working on the couch with his laptop on top of his legs.

"What are you doing..?"

"Adding these final details to these files"


Toya said as he laid beside akito. They were both exhausted from work. Akito was working as a model and as a reporter for the news. On the other hand, Toya was working full time at an office, that was sadly too strick, especially on Toya since they knew he would get the work finished.

Akito closed his laptop before resting his head on top of Toyas.

"Im tired"

"You can take a nap. I will watch the kids over"

"No.. im not sleeping when my daughter will be with a boy.."

"Come on.. they've been dating for ages.. plus she is almost 18, she needs to have some experiences.."

"Well not that kind of experiences"

"Yes, i agree. Doors stay open."

"Mhm.. well. I will go to the supermarket. We need a couple of stuff."

"Stay here a bit more.."


Akito turned his body towards toya, hugging him tightly, before pressing a soft kiss on top his forehead.

"I want on the lips"

"Cant you wait till night?"

"We cant. The kids will probably stay up late."

"J-just.. ugh. Lets just kiss already"


Their lips met but not for long. The bell rung. It was millys boyfriend, Harry.

Milly opened the door, welcoming her boyfriend in. Toya got off the couch, making his way to the kitchen to start his cooking.

The two teenagers went to Millys and alexs room. Sadly Alex got kicked out of his room for the two 'loverbirds' to have some time together.

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