♡Let me introduce you♡

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Toya was getting ready in his room. Today he had a date with Akito. He was waiting for this day to come for days now.

He got down stairs, but before having a chance to leave the house his older brother stopped him.

"Where are you going? You are dressed up too fancy for a meet up with your friends.."

"Ah.. eh.. im going out to eat..to a restaurant i mean"

"With who? I didn't know that you are seeing someone. Whats her name? Father didn't meant her."

"Ah.. its.."


"Akito. His name is Akito Shinonome."

Silence filled the conversation. Toyas heart ached. Noe he would be late to his date and he came out to his brother in the worst way possible.

"I..im sorry"

Toya just ran off the house door. He made his way to Akitos house without turning his head back to see his brother. His dace was filled with tears. He ruined their date.

After a couple of minutes, he had finally arrived at Akitos house. He rang the bell. Not a second later the door was open by ena.

"Ah! Toya? Are you okay?"

"Mhm.. sorry for showing up..like that.."

"No.. no worries. Do you want akito? I will go get him for you. You can sit here in the living room except if you want to.. em be alone."

"No.. i dont . "

"Come in then!"

Toya sat on the soft white couch. He wiped his tears off. He didn't wanted to worry Akito.


After some more seconds, Akito speed run his way to Toya. He gave him a big hug before asking what's wrong.

"What happened Toya..? You were all happy today. Why were you crying? And why did you rush to come here. I was supposed to pick you up from your house."

"Well.. I wanted to buy you flowers but when I was ready to exit the door my older brother stopped me and asked me where i am going and with who I am going. And then he later asked for a name so I told yours and then he fell silent when he found out that I like guys. And.. then I just ran over here. I didn't know what to do I wa-"

"Shush.. Toya. Everything is fine okay?. I'm here. Nobody is going to separate us."


Suddenly both of them heard a knock on the door. Akito went to check. And for his and Toyas curiosity, turned into suprise.

It was Toyas brothers with their girlfriends.

"How.. how did you find me?"

"You forgot your phone. And i heard you talking to the phone one day with..  Akito? If I am right."


"So I figured out everything,"

"I'm sorry for running away like that. I shouldn't have behaved like that. I am not a kid anymore, I should act more mature"

"Toya.. its okay. We.. are accepting you. The way you are. We will still love you. So.. if you dont mind today. I would like to come with you on your little date. I will pay for everything. "

"Eh..  aki?"

"Ok. Whatever. Just dont be too dramatic and stuff because I hate that shit."

"No worries"

Toya formed a bright smile on his lips. He got up and hugged his brothers. After that, he turned his face to meet with the orange haired boy.

Their lips met  but not for as long as they wanted to. They were being watched so things weren't too comfortable.

After they pulled back they stared at each other for a couple of seconds before pulling back. Their cheeks were light red.


After a good while they had finally arrived at the restaurant.  Akito took a sit beside Toya. The same thing happened with the rest of the group.

Everyone order something small, like shushi and ramen. Akito also bought cookies and a plate of pancakes for him and Toya to share.

The fact that they weren't alone didn't stop Akito from making weird jokes. He still enjoyed teasing toya. Watching him smile for the smallest things made his heart race.

"Here is your food."

"Thank you "

Toya welcomed the waiter. They prayed for a couple of minutes before digging in. The shhshinwss pretty well made. The same thing went to the ramen and the rest of other stuff that were soldered and made first.

"So.. how.long have you been together?"

"I think.. 3.. months?"

"That's right,

"Oh.. interesting.  Akito.. I have a wo question about you.. what do you love about Toya? "

"Well his face is very pretty, I really love his personality and I think that he is a very relatable and respectful person in the world"

After that small conversation, Toyas cheeks would come back to pale while.

Suddenly music started playing and many couples started dancing. It was a very boring type of music af least for Akito.

Akito just grabbed Toya and started dancing. It was pretty romantic for both if them. Their lips were only  cm away from their mouth.


Not a long time after, akito walked the aoyagi family back home. He would meet up with Toya to school tomorrow if he wasn't feeling sleepy.


Tysm for almost 330 votes!!!

Lmao we reached #1 on akitoya.

That wont ladt for a lot, but ty!!!

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That wont ladt for a lot, but ty!!!



I hope that u enjoyed the story!

P.s. my sis is snoring :/

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