♡○Its okay♡○

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Tw: death, anxiety attack.

Toya sat down the couch. He wasn't at his house, instead he was staying at his friends house.

His eyes and nose were red, his body trebling, All the Shinonome family was around him, included tsukasa and Mizuki.

Toya there, sitting on the soft pillows that be was given. He was crying over an hour, his tears were unstoppable.

Akito, the boy that welcomed him with open arms when he knocked the door, was sitting beside him.

He was there for toya. If anyone looked closely, would see small and almost unnoticeable tears running down his face.

Akito kept hugging him, rubbing his back and saying everything good that he could imagine.

But nothing worked.

Toya was kicked out of his house by both of his parents and was made fun of his brothers. But that wasn't the worst part.

Before leaving his house toyas dad said some very bad things to him. Toya promised him that he will change but for now they should get a break?...

Some hours later toyas dad was overseas again. He had to travel again, but sadly the weather wasn't with his side this time.

Some hours later the news channel reported the tragedy that had happened. Almost nobody survived. Included Toyas dad. He was dead.


"Toya please eat! It will make you feel better i swear. You need to listen to me write?"

"I-im not hungry Tsukasa.. thanks for looking out for me though.. like always"

"Nee.. lil bro.. i think that you should go up to your room."


He turned his head to face Mizuki. They just winked their eye. Akito got the point got off the couch.

"Toya lets go upstairs"


"Don't worry about them. Now come."

Toya followed him, embarrassed for causing such a big mess to everyone for his problems.


Once they entered his room, akito pushed toya to his bed. He later got on top of his placing his hands around his neck.


"I love you"

"I love you too.."

I will always be here for you okay..? But for now you should sleep a bit.. when we wake up we will go eat down stairs.. got it?"


"Hey, hey! Whats wrong.. why are you crying again?!"

"I love you so much.. thank you for caring"

"Anything for you.. but for now lets sleep a bit before my plans change"

"Mhm "

Akito gave a small kiss on toyas forehead before laying down beside the boy. He hugged his back and placed his nose on his neck.

Toya let out a big sigh before going to sleep. He hugged Akitos hands tight, making sure that he wasn't alone.


Ena walked inside Akitos room.


"Who is this..?"

"Ena, Akito..will you wake up now?!"

"Yes, yes get out now!"

"Kay.. mom is waiting for you two.. see you"

"Ugh.. nee.. toya we should get up"


"Yes.. thats me.. now come on. Lets go eat. You must be really hungry too right..? You haven't ate since yesterday.."

"Yeah.. we can go eat.."

"Okay lets go!"

Akito dragged toya out of the bed. They went down stairs and sat to the dinning table with everybody else.

Surprising they slept for 2 good hours. Toya was feeling a bit better. But he still couldn't control his tears.

But it was way better than before.

They all talked and ate together. Not a lot time after the 'kids' decided to watch an animated movie.

Toya fell asleep to Akitos shoulder.

Ik its small im so sorrryyyyyy. I was out with my family.

Tysm for 200 votes!!

Words: 580

Btw im also working on a new story! I will probably post it tomorrow or today but later.

I hope you enjoyed the story!

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