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Akito was walking down the vivid street alone. He was drinking his afternoon coffee while he was texting to an.

Not a long time after he finally arrived at a specific flower shop. It was onwed by Saki. Tsukasas sister. He didn't really mind them anymore. He actually appreciated them a lot than he used to.

Once he entered the shop, almost all the eyes were on him. He smiled awkwardly before making his way towards saki. He sat at a mini table that she had on the left side of the shop.

"Good morning"

She didn't sound that energetic. Well who could blame her. Her girlfriend was with her, ichika.

"Hello, akito"

"Mhm, saki.. isn't already afternoon?"


"I brought you the things you asked, i just washed this dress."

"Oh thanks, akito.. i will go wear it. When will we leave?"

"Dunno. Rui is supposed to come pick us up!"

"Fufu.. classic Rui... He is probably fighting with oni chan."

"Yeah.. uh.. could i get the flowers that o ordered?"

"Oh- yeah. I totally forgot sorry"

"Its okay. We are all upside down today. I totally get it"

"Well.. i.. mhm here you go"

"Thanks saki"

"Saki, a customer, should i go and you can stay with akito or.."

"No its fine im coming just wait a second. See you akito. You can go to my office and borrow whatever you want from the mini fringe okay?"

"Yep. Thanks saki"

After that saki left and went towards the customers. Akito got up from his seat and entered sakis office. He sat at a chair that she had on the room before grabbing a book to read. He had actually improve his studies. He was working on a pretty well paid off job.

Suddenly tsukasa and rui entered the room without even knocking. They scared the living shit off akito. Like always.

"Its time akito"

"Mhm.. im.. im coming"

Akito got up and left the room. Outside the office, Saki, ichika, Ena and Mizuki were outside waiting for him. They were all trying to smile. Akitos heart ache with this view. If he only had one more chance.

They entered their cars and made their way towards the grave yard. Akito arrived first with his motorcycle. He had already tears running down his face. He always hated that time of the year. It created a feeling of guilt and despair on his chest. His heart aching. Like everyone else's.

He sat beside a grave. Waiting for the other to appear. He had a light smile on his face that with the time that passed became more and more sad. He couldn't breath well.

After a couple of minutes the rest of them came. They all sat together, beside akito. One by one gave a flower to the grave. Tears were falling down their eyes, trying to be as silent as possible.

Akito was the last one to leave his bouquet of flowers to toyas grave. His smile was more fake than mafuyus. It had been over a year since toya left him.

Akito still couldn't control his feelings. He didn't know why. Why did he do. He was so happy with him. And he was sure that toya was happy too, his eyes were sparkling every time he said i love you.

Akito wished he could whisper that just one more time, on toyas ears after a rough day at work, or after sex or just random. But he couldn't.

"Hey akito?"


"Thank you for taking care of him"

Akito turned towards the other ginger. Tsukasa smile was real. He was trying to give hope to continue his life. Even if Toya wasn't there anymore.

"It.. it was my pleasure."

Toya died at a car crush. About a year ago. Tsukasa and akito were in that car too. Tsukasa was driving. Suddenly a drunk woman hit her car to them. Akito did everything he could to save toya.

But sadly he didn't. The car hit directly at toyas seat. Remembering the last made akito want to became a serial killer. He wanted to kill that woman because she took away his happiness.

But who knew.

He might... Do that.

He didn't have to loose anything right?









Words: 710

I hope you enjoyed!




I went from #12 akitoya to #28

Because I didn't post for 2 days.

Wattpad is unfair.

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