♡SHIT! HIDE.pt1!♡

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It was afternoon, toya was studying math, he and akito had an upcoming test on algebra and he needed to make double notes for his friend.

'Gosh... Im so bored, though i need to finish it in time.. last chapter here we go...'

Toya closed one of his many notebooks and opened another one. He continued writing down forms, theory amd all the things he thought akito would need for his revision.

On the other hand Akito was panicking over white day that was coming. What should he get him? Should he make a party surprise? Should he gift him something secretly? Should he tell the others tp help?

"Oi Ena!"

"What again?!"

"Where is my wallet?"

"How am i supposed to know?! Ask mom"

"Ask mom" he said in annoyance.


He later found his wallet, (it was in his backpack) and went to the supermarket to look for things that might inspire him to give him. It shouldn't be simple, since toya literally almost confessed his feelings for akito a month ago.

Toya had made him a gift basket with all his favourite things. Such as pancake mix, chocolate, CD's, posters and much more. But he didn't want to copy him.


He said as he entered the supermarket and waved at the cashier. While he was looking and searching for something special, memories of them being together, you know those funny memorable moments.

Suddenly he got an idea.

'i should bake him cookies! And make him a card or something like that too'

He grabbed the cart that was Infront of him and started searching for the right ingredients. Floor, eggs, olive oil... What else...?

He also found chocolate with coffe taste and bought two of them. One to add to the cookies and one to gift him. After sometime akito had found all his ingredients.

He went to the cashier and paid.

"Have a nice day"

"You too man"

Akito said as he left the market. He made his way towards the bus station until he saw a familiar blue haired boy.


Toya was there. What if he asked him what he bought. He knows that he hates going shopping for his family. And he cant lie to toya. But the bus is coming now ohhhhh fuck it.

Akito went towards the bus station trying to hide himself in the crowd. Well its not like many people were there but whatever. The bus thankfully was a bit full which made it a bit difficult not to crash the eggs but he managed to find a sit.


'okay, i need to call down.. like a lot..'

He breathed in and out.

'okay so.. i get off in the next stop so he is probably heading home.. though i dont know why he was out that late alone. But oh well. Whatever.. i suppose..

Man why did i suddenly got sad. Toya wouldn't be with someone else and not tell me so it's fine..'

The bus stopped at the next stop and both akito and toya got off.


shit now he had to hide again. He wore the hat that be had and his mask and looked down. He made his way towards his house.

A couple minutes later, once he arrived he released that toya was following him the whole time! Why did he came to his house?? Did he realise that he was akito?? Did anything happened between him and his dad???

And then it hit him. He had promised toya to study with him the day before the exam. Now how will he get in the house if toya is Infront??

He quickly went to the backyard and yelled quickly for his sister.

"Oi enaaaaa!!"

No answer.




Fine, he will have to do it in the hard way. He started climbing up the half-broken stairs they had for an "emergency" up his parents room.

After suffering and almost killing himself twice he arrived. He quickly entered his house and went down to the kitchen. Toya was already there, sitting down the couch.

"Oh hey akito, why didn't you answer my calls?"

"I-eh- one minute..!"

He rushed yo the kitchen and gave the stuff to his mom to fix. He then rushed to the small guest room bathroom and he washed his face. God he was so sweaty and disgusting.

He then proceeded to find a good plan on how he would lie to toya. Ehhh whatever, the time was passing and they would get suspicious.

He went to the leaving room and sat beside toya.

"Sorry man, i didn't even notice i was eh.."


Toya was curious. Akito leaned towards his ear and whispered.


"Ah..! I..Eh well should we start?"

"Yeah lets go up my room"


They later went up akitos room. Toya laid down all his notes that he made before and started organising them in order.

Akito sat in his bed beside toya and his many notes. He appreciated the thought though. If he wasn't a special something to toya he wouldn't do this right..??

And the anxious feeling came up again. It was overwhelming. He sometimes couldn't handle it. And toya noticed.

"Hey aki, you good?"

"Yes, yes dont worry, i just zoned out sorry.."

"Its okay, and just to let you know, im fine with telling me that you just forgot our meet up instead of lying.."

"How did you know?!"

"We know each other for 3 years now.. it would be embarrassing if i didn't.."

Toya chuckled to himself.

"Well lets start, so on the first chapter.."

Words: almost 1k.

Aaa im not ded!! I haven't wrote for such a long time im so sorryyyyy. Im in grade 10 now and things are harder but i kinda manage.

I still love those too and i miss writing so i will try to write more often from now!!(Yes i know i have said that 834884 times but shush!!")

I also have a public insta acc now! If anyone os interested the user is @/ daily._.akitoes


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