♧Who wants noodles?♧

691 11 10

Tw:panic attack

Toya had just arrived at a new apartment that his best friend told him to go. He was apparently the second babysitter for a week.

Akito begged him for help and of course toya couldn't really decline. Well.. its not like he had anything better to do. So he just packed his stuff into a small luggage with some gifts for the kiddos.

He opened the door that the building had with the second pair of keys that he got from akito. He entered the elevator and pressed the button with the number 2 on.

After a couple of seconds he finally arrived at the right floor. He was pretty anxious about this experience. Will the kids like him? Will he do his job right? What if he messes up?

The thought were cut in the middle by hearing his name being called by akito.

"Hey....you there?"

"A-ah! Yeah"

"Sheesh.. come inside.. i will introduce you"


Toya stepped in the apartment and sat down beside Akito in the living room. The house seemed big enough. The kids would be probably spoiled.

Like how hard would it be to control two kids? Toya thought until he saw two more people walking towards them. They looked older than the others

"Guys.. this is toya. He is going to stay here for the week"

"Mkay.. "

"Hey rachel where is max?"

"Inside.. probably fucking himself again.."



"Toya wait here im going to be back in less than 2 minutes!"

"Take your time!"

Toya looked around the living room. The pillows that were placed on top of the couches had flowers on top of them. Mostly pink but some other had yellow and orange. It was a weird combination but still a very creative one.


After toya took a good look for the whole living room he tried to introduce himself once again without akito this time beside him.

"So.. could you please tell me your names?.. if you dont mind of course.."

"My name is lily!"

"And mineeewe isssssss Alexey!!!!!"

"Oh! You girls have very pretty names!"


"Me toooooo"

"Anyways..ehhhh my name is rachel.. thats alll... I guess? Emm I'm going to my room now. See ya"

"Im Thomas. I will leave now too... Bye"

"Finally you got out of your room... Ugh toya sorry for this mess.. this is max.. as i see you already met the rest."

"Yeah.. hello max"


"Max! Answer! Its rude"


"Hey aki.. there is no need to push him.. its fine if he doesn't want to talk with me"

"Okay.. you can go to your room.. food is going to be ready soon. Go tell that to the rest!"



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