♧Just the two of us♧

853 12 15

Tw: making out.

Toya was walking alone towards his friends house. Akito, was already waiting him outside of his door, listening music with his new phone that he got from his birthday.

Not a long time after Toya finally arrived at his friends house. A light smile appeared at his lips. Before leaving from his house he had another argument with his father. He was kinda feeling down but at the same time he didn't want to give out the negative vibe he had to Akito.

So he just smiled. It's not like his heart didn't race when he saw him. Suddenly he bumped into a tree. He was probably too focused on his own thoughts that he totally forgot where he was.

Akito started laughing his ass out. Tears were almost running down his eyes. After all his laughter he got closer to Toya. Placing his hand around his neck bringing both of them closer. Toya could feel Akitos breath on his cheek.

He continued blushing while his heart moved faster. Akito started at him in the eyes. Already knowing what Toya wanted. He placed his hands on his cheeks before pulling himself closer.

Their lips met. Toya wrapped himself around Akito. He melted to the warmth of the kiss before pulling out to reveal a blushing Akito. It was rare for him to blush like that. What? Wasn't he used to kiss Toya in the public?

Was he afraid that his parents will see him?

"I love you"

Toya let out these words to slip out of his mouth, that made his chest ache so many times. These three words mean the world to him. He can feel strong whenever Akito tells him that.

But in the other hand he can get weak, by a lot if Akito stops loving him. He knows that for sure cause Akito was probably the most Important person on the world for him.

He couldn't describe the feeling that was created inside of his chest.  After all that they finally left the house and made their ways towards the bus station they were heading to tokyo, to buy some things Toya needed for his studies.

And Akito just took the opportunity and decided to come with him.  After all the shopping he would take hom out to est together on whatever restaurant he wanted.

Toya of course accepted. He had t been on a date with is now boyfriend for months now. It was either because his father didn't let him leave the town or becaus he had to study for school and practice his singing. He had to balance everything.

It was kinda tiring but always worth it. He could match his voice now perfectly with Akitos making them the best duo. Still fighting g to suppress the legend. With the rest of their team. An and Kohane that were dating two..

Finally after waiting for some minutes the bus finally arrived. Both of the boys sat inside, akito facing the window holding tight Toyas hand.

Once they arrived at the 'correct' bus station they got out and made their way towards a cafe. Akito paid saying its like a treat for him.

Toya got coffee with a cookie while akito just stuck with coffee. He couldn't eat something sweet and drink something bitter at the same time. The mixing flavours were mixing in his tongue making everything a mess.

"Hey toya"


The taller boy looked at him in the eyes. He is was currently eating his cookie.

"Where do you wanna go first?"

"Clothes shop?"

Toya said after swallowing.

"Kay.. would you like to sit over there for a bit?"


They both sat beside each other. Akito kept looking at his lips. He wanted to kiss him so badly but he knew that Toya wasn't comfortable doing such stuff in public places like the mall.

"You can now, i dont care. We are alone anyways"


"Dont you wanna kiss me?"

"Wha- how did you know?"

"I dont know.. but could we kiss?"

"Of course."

Toya leaned closer placing his hands around akitos neck. Instead he cupped toyas cheeks. Pulling him a bit closer and deeper into the kiss.

Akito licked toyas lower lip asking for permission to enter his tongue. Toya then opened his mouth. Their tongues fought each other.

After they pulled back toyas eyes were sparkling. Like akitos.

"I love you"

"I love you too akito.."

"Wanna go eat after the mall?"

"Isnt this already planned?"

"Fufu yes it is, now lets go"

Words: 760





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