♡Sick day♡

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Implied ships: Meikai.

The vivid bad squad was chilling at meikos cafe until they distracted by a stranger voice.

It was kaitos voice, that was coming from the bathrooms that the cafe had. Tlya and Akito got up to see what's wrong with him.

Akito knocked the bathroom door until the strange voice answered.

"Come in"


"What's wrong kaito?"

"I just have a cold and my nose is runny. That's why I sound like this. "

"I didn't know that vocaloids can get sick.."

"Neither I.."

"Sorry guys fo making you worry but I will go to meiko now since she said that she will make me a tea."

''Oh...okay. tea is actually pretty good for your health kaito senpai. You should  drink it more often"

"Yeah.. what we Toya said it's right. Well most of the time but anyways. My head hurts a bit too..mind if you tell meiko to make me a tea too? I will drink it with my pancakes today instead of coffee."

"I have no problem guys. I will head off now. See you later."

"Hope you get better kaito senpai!"

Toya and Akito got out of the bathroom and went back to their table where an and Kohane were talking.

"What did happened then?"

"Oh kaito senpai is sick"

"Huh!? Can vocaloids get sick!?"

"That's what I asked too.. well ima finish  this round really quick, before meiko gives us our orders.'' Akito pulled lit his phone to play the game.


"Here are your orders guys! One ack coffee, two teas, a late coffee and lastly pancakes for our dear Akito."


"Oh! Look Kohane! Meiko gave us matching straws!"

"Oh yeah.. that's right! By the way.. why did you get a tea instead of coffee Shinonome?"

"Ah.. its because my head hurts a bit, so I thought it might be better to drink something more relaxing today"

"But both of them got caffeine right?"

"Ah.. yeah. Yeah.."

"Fttt.  Dont tell me you didn't knew!?"

"Ugh! I of course knew an! I just forgot okay?! I am a human being and I forget things sometimes!"

"Geez dont make it such a big deal dumbass"

"Go fuck yourself"

"Nuh you're boring. Flute come vscms are always the same boring shit..."

"Ugh whatever. I'm going home. Toya.. wanna come over?"

"Yeah sure. I dont mind. If the girls and meiko dont have a problem then I'm all for it"

"Dont worry about us. Just go"

"Kay! See ya Tomorrow at the event"


Akitp arrived at his house. Both of them entered his room while Ena approached the two boys.

She was Akito for some money to go buy cheesecake. He of course fought with her but in the end he gave her the money she was asking.

Later Akito was laying down to his bed with a wet towel on his head. He had around 38.5 C⁰.

The tea didn't make anything better as he thought it would, it actually did the opposite.

The tea made his more sick do he needed to visit the bathroom often.

Toya was taking care of him. Changing the towel every half an hour, checking Akitos temperature and even feed him a bit of cheesecake to make his face for a bit.

Apparently Akito got sick, but who knows from where. At night, before Toya left. Akito begged him to stay there. His body temperature was going up and the headache didn't stop.

That's when Toya had to call a doctor to ask about details. Akiot didnt want to be seen by a doctor. He hated doctors.

But since the pharmac didn't have a result on his body they had to call an expert to these situations.


The next day the doctor came to Akitos house to exam him. The results were literally pretty simple.

Akito was just a crybaby and overrated over a single cold. But the doctor did mention that the body temperature isn't that easy to handle.

He gave Toya a syrup that Akito had to take twice a day for a week. If everything went well Akito would get better pretty quick.

But no. Akito had act childish and didn't want to take the medicine. He felt saying that he didnt need it or that it tasted bad.

So one day Toya didnt stay there for the  night and left Akito alone. The next morning he was welcomed with an Akito way better looking.

He took a look at the vote and saw that it had less than before. He smile dust Akito.

"Just to let you know Akito... I didn't stay here last night because my father felt calling me and texting me to go back home. So I stayed there one night and today I will sleep here again. If you want me though."

"I hate your ass. 5Igh whatever. I whatever I will drink it for you. "

"Thanks aki"


Less than a weeks Akito was feeling way batter than before and ready to practice more since he was left behind.

Him and Toya had practice today until he received a message from him.

'Can I come over?'

'Dont we have practice?'

'Yea ik but I'm not feeling good'

'Okay, bring your stuff too kay?'

'Yeah.. see you'


Since now Toya was sick it was time for Akito to take care of him and give him cuddles to keep himself strong.

Hahaha.. how childish he was..

Ello! I just wanted to say

Tysmmmm for 7.7I views!!!


Should I make the next one fluff or angst?

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