♧Village.. vocation?♧

722 11 35

Tw: a bit smut, homophobia

Toya aoyagi was a very dear friend to Akito. They were friends since highschool. Well they actually met at the last year of school but that didn't change anything.

Since then they have been very close to each other. They were working at the same building, having same interests and even having sleepovers with each other and sometimes with their other friends joining.

It was now the end of march and both of them had taken a few days off work. Akito gave the idea to go relax at his village, and of course Toya agreed.


He was now waiting at the airport for akito. The village was almost at the other end of japan. If they took their car they would probably arrived after a couple of days.

So the best option was to take the plane.

After a good amount of minutes Akito finally arrived. He was all sweaty. He was trying to catch his breath while walking towards toya.

"Im..im sorry.. to..ugh.. toya!"

"Its okay.. i think... Come on now, we will miss our flight..!"

"Wa..wai-wait! Let me take a br..break!"

"Fufu fine."


Both of them sat at the blue chairs that the airport had. Akito took out of his bag a sandwich to eat since the airport food was expensive.

Toya kelt staring at him while he was eating. Akito got a bit uncomfortable and felt like he caused trouble for the other.

"Do.. do you want sam?"

"Eh..if you dont mind"

Oh so he was hungry.

"Here, next time just ask."

"Oh.. okay and thanks"

"Nah problem."

They both continued eating until akito opened his phone and left his sit. He called his grandparents to inform them about the flight hours.

Suddenly he turned his head towards the other boy while holding on his hand his open phone.

"Nee.. toya do you eat pork with rice?"


"Ke be right back"

Akito faced again a big window that was set beside them. Not a long time after akito closed his phone and went beside toya.

"Ready to leave?"


"Good, now lets go to the security stuff"


Both of them made their way to the security to get their bags and themselves checked. After that they entered their airplane and sat to their sits.

Sadly a young woman around her 20' was sitting in the middle sit and they couldn't talk with each other.

Toya seemed too anxious since it was his first time flying with a plane. Akito wanted to be beside him and hold his hand tight to prove him that everything is going to be fine.

But that wasn't possible at the moment, until he took the risk.

"Excuse me.. mind if we switch seats? I really.. need to sit beside that boy."

"Eh..why should i change seats with ya? For you two gay shits to make out?! Bell no"

"No, its nothing like that! Its just that its.."

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