3♧Once u enter, there's no return♧

593 11 7

Tw: Anxiety, emetophobia, making out, blood, deaths..etc..

Toya woke up again. He was now placed on his bed. He was back home. Did he teleport or something?

He got off the bed, still half asleep and started looking around his house to find his parents.

He thankfully managed to find his dad on the living room, sitting down the couch. He was talking with someone.

Toya couldn't clearly make the face of that 'someone'. He got closer to his dad until he recognised the face.

It was Akitos. Toya feel down the floor with fear in his eyes. Toyas father and Akito run up to him.

Their faces had taken a worrying form. Toyas dad hugged the boy that was sitting on the ground.

"Oh... Thank g0d you are okay.. you are lucky that he saved you"

He pointed at akito. But every minute that passed, Toya was feeling sicker than before.

His head was spinning around. He stomach was feeling tight and lastly his body was shaking. He couldn't control his fear.

While Toyas dad wasn't looking at Akito, the boy gave toya a creepy smile while his form glitched again, revealing the tall figure.

Toyas stomach couldn't hold any longer. He pushed his dad away and made his way up to the restroom.

He just made it in time before throwing up into the toilet. His stomach ache becoming even more stronger.

Akito rushed into the bathroom, closing the door. He then made his way towards the blue haired boy. He sat beside him before placing his hand on toyas back.

"Did you miss me?"


"Oh.. come on! Dont play games with me.."

"Wh-why are you here!? Why isnt Akito back?!"

"Well.. you see.. i really like you so we will play again okay?"



"What do you mean?!"


"H-hey stop holding me! DAD! HELP ME!!"



Both of them were teleported again. The bathroom was now empty, still locked leaving toyas dad confused.


Toya woke up into a different bed this time. He was back to this weird word. He hated it.

The bed was pink, filled with hello kittys plushies. The room was pink too. Toya got out of the bed.

He looked around the room to maybe find something useful. Not many seconds later the door opened.

Toya ran towards the bed covering himself up with the blankets. He heard the door, and later a female voice.

"You woke up?"

"Who are you..?"

"Oh! I'm Wanda. Im happy to help you!"

Toya uncovered himself. He looked with sock in his eyes Wanda. She looked like mother. Mother that killed akito..

"Are you good?"

"Yeah..thanks for taking care of me.."

"Say what you want to ask"


~Akitoya one shots~Where stories live. Discover now