♡ Huh? ♡

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Akito woke up beside Toya. His head was placed on top of his head. His nose was deep inside  of Toyas fluffy hair.

He looked over at Toya but in his surprise he was welcomed with a girl, that was naked beside him.

Her hair was like Toyas. He pushed her off trying to process the situation. The girl looked Akito, her eyes were wide open.

"Akito?" The female voice was very calm depending on the situation.

"H-how you know my name?! Were is Toya?!"

"What do you mean Akito? I'm Toya..but why are you...a girl.. naked..?"

"Huh!?" Akito lifted the sheets up just to see boobs on his chest. He almost had a hear attack.



"You kiddin me? Now you saw?!"

"Well yeah.."

"How are we going to practice with An and Kohane..or even worst..today we have school!?"

Akito was interpreted by his sister that was calling him.




They both got out of bed embarrassed. Akito gave Toya one of his hoodies to wear while he dressed himself up with some black pants and a red sweater.

"ENA! Can you please come in.."

"Ugh what?!"

Ena walked inside Akitos room. She looked confused at Akito.

"What did you do!?" She tried to be as silent as possible.

"Like I know?!"

"Omg how did you..ahh fuck it what do you want?"

"Em..i-i em.."

"You what? Since when Akito Shinonome is shy?"

"Dont fuck with me!"

"You started it!"

"Excuse me Ena..Akito just wanted to ask you about period.. and could you help us..out?"

"Thanks Toya for telling me..and you Akito..you son of a bitch...YOU ARE SUCH A BAD BOYFRIEND! JSJQMFDISEK FJSMENDJSMXJJVHISENN"


"Fine whatever... hey Toya you good?"

"Yeah..I think"

"Come with me.."

She took Toyas hand and went to Enas bathroom.

"Hey dont do anything weird!"

"I ain't interested.."


After they came back Toya was now kinda uncomfortable. He was wearing a pad.

"He has period.."

"Ah..emm cool?"

"U suck"


They both stayed at home. Trying to figure out a solution. Ena told Akitos mother that they were sick.. because they ate expired chips.

They shared cuddles and kisses before it hit Toya.

The cramps of period started and Toya didnt know how to handle it. Tears started falling down his cheeks while Akito looked at him confused.

He gave him water, chocolates...but nothing worked. Until he had to call Ena...again.

"Omg u are useless"

"Fuck you"


Ena gave Toya some piles for period cramps. Some minutes later his pain went away.


They canceled the practice leaving the two girls confused since Akito had challenged them to a rap battle.

It's like he was a chick.

Sadly he had to explain the whole thing to An and Kohane. Poor Alito was being bullied again, since An didnt kept her mouth shut.


Later that night they both admired each others bodies.

It was weird to see and feel different. Especially toya and his period.

They fell asleep being hugged. It was a hard day. Ena later walked inside the room to check on her brother.

She saw both of them cuddling. And she of course..started taking pictures to send at anybody she new since they were now back to their normal form she could literally destroy her little brothers life.


I know it's small again. Sorry...


Thank u for the views!

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