#A new melody pt1#

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It has been over 2 months that Toya tried to play the violin again. He actually liked more to play the violin but on the other hand the music from the piano was more magical.

Toya held it as a secret from his father. He was afraid for all the unnecessary questions and how strick his father could turn again.

The only person that knew, was of course Akito. But Toya never let him listen to his play.

Weeks were passing easily with Toya practicing both street music and classical. But one day as he was practicing the violin at his room -he thought he was alone inside the house-
Toyas father walked inside his room without knocking.

Toya quickly dropped the violin down looking at his father.

"I don't get it. Why are you doing this? You said that classical music doesnt make you happy!"

"I-I wanted to surprise you.." Toya looked down feeling disappointment. He then opened his mouth again not letting a chance of his father to speak.

"I wanted to surprise you.. by entering the nationals. But you already found out so..." there was small pause for Toya to think how he wanted to express himself with the correct words.

"So.. you can yell as much you want.. and I'm...I'm sorry"

"Huh? You are sorry for what? If it is for your bad playing then I forgive you but entering the nationals? What about street music, and who got you this idea? I know you didnt have the idea, you are my son!"

"One of my teammates made me try classic music again.. so here I am."


"Are you really thinking about entering?"

"Yeah.." his smile had faded away. For some seconds Toyas father saw how freely he was expressing himself with the violin. And he had a very beautiful smile on his face. Like those romance book when the main character is finally happy.

"Would you like some help?"

"I-I dont know.."

Toya felt tears running down his face. He quickly wiped them of. The memories of the past were flashing in his brain.

"I will leave you some time alone to think about it. Because nationals are in 3 months and you can barely catch up."

"Ok..I think I want your help but..I will settle the rules."

"I'm hearing"

"I will practice my free time violin and I wint loose my practice with my teammates, also you will accept breaks and lastly.. you wont force me to play."

"I will...try my best."

-and that's how it went. Toyas routine was super tiring but that didnt let him down from exercising his vocals even at night, if he had a bit of time before heading to bed, or even at school lunches with Akito. Everyday was almost the same, but not in a bad way. He made it to the national that only the top 500 best musicians made it. And Toya passed with place 365. He had actually talend at music. And his father knew it-


Akito, Ena and his parents got outside of the car, holding diffrent backs making their way to a large white building with black doors and windows.

Akito pulled out his phone checking the time. 3:45, they got early but he didnt care. The trip was hard enough since he gets dizzy during long roadtrip they had to stop the car every 20 minutes for Akito to throw up outside and Ena complaining how bad he smelled. Thank g0d they stopped by their hotel first to change.

They were now waiting outside of the building for Toya to arrive. Not a lot of time later Tsukasa, Saki and the rest of leo/need came to celebrate. Airi and shizuku came with Mafuyu, Kanade and Mizuki. Lastly An and Kohane came with Minori and Haruka. Emu, nene and rui arrived a bit later because of the traffic.

Everybody was here until Toya arrived. He got out of a blue car with his father. His mother was in another car. He then quickly run towards Akito giving him a tight hug. He was so anxious that he couldn't help himslef.

Akito returned the hug while his chicks were light pink from embarrassed.

He was so happy about Toya.


Here ena, 4 tickets for the nationals. You can give the rest to anybody you want and by the way dont think anything about returning, this is a gift from me. My thanks for all your help. I have already invited your parents.

-Nightcore at 25

Saki! How are you? I wanted to invite you to the national were I will participate. Here you can have 3 extra tickets. You might wanna invite your band members too. No, no dont worry about the hotel stuff. It's all on me.


Azusawa and shirashi I wanted to thank you all got all these month so here you can have two extra tickets to invite your friends.


Airi and shizuku here you go. It's a thanks for helping me out the other day at the festival.


Tsukasa, Kamishiro, I would like to invite you to the nationald were I will be playing my violin. You can invite the rest of the group with these. No it's my pleasure.


-thats how things went when Toya desided to give the tickets to everyone except Akito. He kept Akitos last.-

"Here Akito"

"Huh? What is this...YOU PASSED?"


"GOOD JOB TOYA" Akito huged Toya so hard that they both fell on the bed making eye contact.

Akito later made Toya to stay over at night to celebrate to his room with some snacks and scary movies. The time passed quickly until the morning came, the sun was up walking up both boys.


I hope you enjoyed!

this is a dream that is coming truth thanks again.

Pt2 it's coming..

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