○We can't be together○

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Tw: mizuena and mentions of sex

It was around 3pm when Toya received a message from Akito.

A: toya, would u like to come over? Ena is planning a big sleepover again, Tsukasa will be there too..

T:i would love to. Do i have to bring anything?

A: no, dont worry. Since you are my bf you are a present yourself for coming here.

T: i will see what i can find in the local store

A: yep i suck at that

T: cheesecake?

A:buy two. I want to share the one wu

T:we will see about that. Anyways i gtg. See you Aki

A: bye babe. You can stay the night over here too ;)

T:im looking forward.<3


Toya left the house, making his way to the super market. He bought some sodas, chips and lastly the cheesecake that he promised to Akito.

After he paid his stuff he got into the train and placed his headphones on top of his head.

Not many minutes later the train had arrived to the station that Toya had to hop off.

He continued walking with his headphones until he reached Akitos house.

He turned off the music before knocking the door. Ena was sure that she made a big party. Toya could hear the music from miles away.

But he couldn't blame them. It was the end of this school year so they had to celebrate in some way. He was feeling thankfully for being invited for such an occasion.

Suddenly the door opened reveling a pink haired girl. It wasn't Emu thought.

"Oh..? Aoyagi? I didn't know that you were going to come! Get in!"

The girl. Her smile was showing her sharp teeth. She looked like a vampire.

"Thank Momoi.."

Toya walked in and the sight wasn't unexpected at all. All of them were drinking sodas and juices while some other eating and dancing at the same time.

Lastly many different people were chatting about the most useless thing in the world while other were practicing poses and playing video games.

Toya let himself smile at the beautiful sight. He was later welcomed by Mizuki. They dragged him to the table that them and the rest of the Nightcore was sitting.

"Heya guys! This is Toya! He is Lil bros boyfriend~"

"Ah.. my name is Kanade Yoisaki, nice to meet you."

"I'm Mafuyu Asahina! Im pretty glad to got to meet you. Ena talks a lot about you."

"Oi Mafuyu!"

"What? I just said the truth fufu"

"Yeah..yeah.. anyways toya, why did you bring stuff with you? Didn't akito told you not to bring anything?!"

"Well he kinda did, but he told me to buy cheesecake. So i did. I also thought it would be rude to come here with empty hands."

"Oh..that mother fucker.."

"Oh and by the way im Toya Aoyagi and im glad to meet you two."

"Nee.. Toya, mind if you stay here a bit with the girls cause i need to drag Akito of his room because he is a useless peace of shit"

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