♡Double date♡

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Implied ships: Mizuena

The Ena and Akito entered a cafe with their partners. Both couples sat down to a big circle table, waiting for the waitress.

Akito lost a bet that he had with An and now he was forced to take out his sister and her girlfriend on a double date with Toya.

He was pissed since he had planned this date for only him and Toya, because his plans after the cafe changed.

He couldn't have Ena and Mizuki in the house while him and Toya made out.

He groaned.

"Toya what would you like to order? It is on me today." Akito said with such a sweet tone, that was only used when he was speaking to Toya.

"Eh..I would take this cheesecake that comes with a cup of coffee if you dont mind."

"No problem babe" -shit he forgot that Ena was there-


Ena was now laughing the living shit our of her while Mizuki tried to get her in place.

Toya and Akito were a blushing mess.

"So? You got any problem? For fucks sake"



"Excuse me mind if you talk more silently please, the costumers are complaining"

A waiter said that was standing there, most of the time trying not to laugh at the stupid argument the two sibling had.

"Oh please forgive us. I apologize. We will be more silent from now on."

"No worries. Now that that is settled..what would you like to order?"


"Okay thanks. Your order is coming"


All of them ate their meals. Toya and Akito shared the cheesecake because Toya gets full very fast.

Later Ena needed to use the restroom so Mizuki went with her.

That left Toya and Akito alone. They holded hands. Akitos hand left and went up to Toyas cheek.

Toya smiled leaving a small chuckle. Akito got closer and closer until..

They were interrupted by the waitress that wanted to give them the recipe.

"Eh.. sorry if I interrupt anything... but your total cost is ___ yen.

Great now the waitress ruined the mood and he had to pay his whole piggy bank, since ena decided to order thousands of things just to make it expensive.

"No worries.. here is the money"

Akito said smiling. He gave the money and not long after he tried to built up the mood for him and Toya.

This time he just got close. Toyas hands were around his neck. He pulled him closer until their lips touched.

They shared a deep kiss until Toya heard a sound of a click. He broke the kiss and turned his head to his left. He saw An and Ena taking pictures of them.

Ena probably posted half of them. Oh he was in such a big trouble if his father found out. Not a second later Akito started yelling to them.

He grabbed Enas phone and tried to delete everything before it was too late.



Once Akito finished deleting the posted photos he took a deep breath and looked deathly Ena and An. Even Mizuki shivered that weren't involved.

"If..Toyas father sees this..  my relationship is over.. so delete your little shits and tell them it was a joke or some shit. Because.. if I loose Toya then I wont talk to you for the rest of my life!"

Ena was literally horrified by her little brothers speech. She then apologized very..very silently. -as siblings do-

And fixed her problem by posting some old selfies.

Well, now that the problem it was finished they had to deal with something else.

"An...can you remind me... WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?"

"I just wanted to watch your asses to fuck."


"Oh come..I know you had planned it for today that's why I choose this date."

"Oh...you little shit.."

Akito got closer to An but before getting  a chance to start a fight with her... they were kicked out of the restaurant.


Now The two couples were walking at the Shinonomes house feat An.

Akito stopped to a venting machine to get two sodas for both of them.

"Here ya go"


"Oh~~ lil bro is getting ready~~" they teased.

"Oh please.. he would literally fuck Toya if we weren't here.."

"Oh yeah..rig-"

Ena was cut of by Toya that was usually all polite, but now he was angry.

"Could you stop talking about us and our private life? It makes me and Akito uncomfortable. If you dont stop we will just leave."

"Ah-ah hahahahaha.. sorry Toya! I promise that I will never do that again"

"Thanks Mizuki.."

Ena and An were surprised by Toyas offensive look.

Well it was something rare to see so they decided to back up and apologize too.

Ha! Akito won for once.


Toya stayed over at Akitos, this time Ena didn't complain or anything. Not until Akitos father walked in to ask something Akiyo and he saw the two boys cuddling together.

"It-its not how it looks like!"

"Oh my g0d... I cant believe that both of my kids are gay.. ugh. Forget it...

Use protection"

"Hey dad wait!"

Now Akitos dad was gone and both of them were flustered.

I love Enas and Akitos relationship!! -it remains me of me and my younger sister. The only difference is that she acts like Ena without the drama-

Words: 920

I hope you enjoyed !!

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