#Dear diary#

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TW: Mentions of sex


Hello, dear diary

This is my first page here. My name is toya aoyagi. Im 16 years old.

I just came back from the vocal practice i had with akito, akito is my singing partner and best friend.

We get along pretty easily, we rarely fight. He is my first true friend. I really love his company. I hope that in the future, after we accomplish out dream, to live together.

Except if he wants to make a family, then i cant get in the way. I want him to be happy... But the thought of akito being in a relationship with someone else is making my chest ache.

I dont really like this feeling. Anyways i gotta go. Im going to eat dinner. Mom cooked us homemade curry. Im super excited about that.

Love, Toya



Today, me and Akito went into a new restaurant that had just opened near weekend garage.

I wanted to pay but he insisted and paid. We shared a bowl of noodles for the main meal while the dissert was something.. interesting.

We shared a big bowl of ice cream, but the waiter just brought us only one spoon. I told akito that is okay and i dont really mind.

Of course if he was okay with it. And he were. So we shared a spoon to eat the ice cream. But when we were at the end of the chocolate ice cream akito took a very big scoop of ice cream and placed it in his mouth.

But since the ice cream was too cold for him he spited the half off his mouth. His mouth was covered in chocolate, while the rest of the ice cream was ruined.

I was laughing at akito and the mess that he made. It was pretty embarrassing but i couldn't stop myself. Later akito just let it pass and joined me with a face full of smiles.

He then ended buying me a small plushy from the mini gift store that he found outside the restaurant. I named the plushy Kito. Its an orange bear.

It kinda reminds me of akito, well that were he got his name..

I have to go finish my history essay now. Bye



I haven't wrote here for a while.

I was busy with my homework. Dad and i dont fight that much anymore. Im really glad about that.

Right now akito, an, Kohane and tsukasa with his sister are here to celebrate the new year. We kept our gifts for each other under the tree to open them all together the new year and not at Christmas.

A bit weird but it wasn't a big deal.

We were playing truth or dare and saki dared me to kiss the person that I love the most on the lips. I kissed Akito, but after I pulled back his face was red.

I felt like mine was too. After that it became a bit awkward being around Akito but since we know each other so well we discussed everything and now we are back to normal.

In a bit we will go wat out some pizza and later come back home to have a countdown for Christmas.

I'm really excited about new year. Actually every year I'm excited.  I really love opening gifts from the people that love me and I love.

It makes my chest warm. I feel happy that times. And today in way happier since I have the whole day to spend with my friends and Akito.

Akuto will also stay the night. Im not sure about the rest of them but I really hope that they can. Me and Akito will share my bed while the other will take either the guest rooms or the couches in the living room.

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