♡ Summer vacation ♡

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Implied ships: Kanamafu, Ruikasa, Anhane, Mizuena and Emunene.

Akito had just arrived to the beach with Toya and the others. He was carrying two umbrellas, on the other hand Toya had theirs backs that had thing such as towels, sunscreen and hats.

Tsukasa and his group were already there making themselves comfortable at the little tent they had instead of umbrellas.

Ena with Mizuki and the others came with VBS. Once they laid out their stuff and sat comfortably Emu looked over at the girls, and for her surprise she saw Mafuyu.

"Asahina senpai! You are here too?!"

"Oh..Otoori.. yes I am. I'm glad you are here too." She answered with a warm smile.


An, Ena, Mizuki and Kohane were inside the tent while the others laid out on the sun.

Toya was supposed to read a book but luckily Akito noticed that Toya was sleeping. His back was facing the sun so he decided to apply sunscreen.

"Oh~~~look guys! Akito is taking care of his boyfriend~~"

"Huh!? Shut the fuck up An. You know he isn't."

"Whatever you say~~"


He laid beside Toya. He admired Toya, his perfect nose, his long eyelashes and his soft skin. Toya was beautiful.

Before Akito noticed it he had fallen asleep by thinking of Toya.


"Hey..Akito what would you like to order?"

Akito woke up rubbing his eyes realizing be had fallen asleep. He took a look around to see almost everybody there staring at him. Like they were waiting him for something.

"Oh-oh yeah.. yeah.. I will take a watermelon juice" he had a light pink blush on his face.

Toya chuckled. Akito apologized to Toya for falling asleep like that.

"There is no worries Akito..you did nothing wrong!"

"If you say so..by the way.. do you know them"

He pointed at Mafuyu and Kanade that were cuddling under an umbrella.

"Not exactly.. I have talked to both of them.. why you ask?"

"Ah.. i just wanted to ask if they were dating because they seem too close.."

"Well whatever relationship they have wont stop us to be friends with them."


"Excuse me guys your order is ready" a waiter announced, as he gave one by one the drinks to everybody.

"What did you order?"

Akito asked Toya.

"Oh.. I saw the girls that ordered milkshakes and I thought I would give them a try. The flavor is strawberry. Wanna try?"

He gave the cup to Akito. He took a sip of the straw and then hold it on his mouth. Once he swallowed he took another sip.

"Good choice!"


Toya took a sip from the same straw  like any normal person would think. But no. Emu started screaming as she saw this.

"OMG! YOU TWO JUST- -mdmmhmhm-"
Nene shut Emus mouth before spilling something out.

"I'm sorry Aoyagi. Sometimes this happens.." nene said while looking at Emus eyes.

"No problem"



Tsukasa yelled. Akito was sure that even people that live at France have heard him.

"There is not need to be so loud geez.. "

Akito got up stretching his arms making sure he doesnt get any cramp while he is in the water.

"Wanna go Toya?"

"Why not?"

Akitos sister approached both of the boys.

"Akito.. do you have more sunscreen... I run out.."


"Well I just run out"

"Oh you little shit.."

"I'm calling mom.."

"Fine whatever."


The girls were playing volleyball inside the water, Tsukasa and Rui were making diffrent acrobats inside the water. And lastly Akito and Toya were making races to see who is going to pay for the lunch. Akito won but he didn't let Toya to pay just like that.

All of them had a really wonderful time. Even though it became too annoying when Tsukasa or Rui spoke, and even worst Akitos sister Ena, but they could handle it.

"Hey guys wanna play truth or dare?"

An suggested.

"Okay I'm in" Akito said. Later more and more people joined until it came to the last questions before leaving.

"So~Akito truth or dare?" Ena asked.

"Dare I'm not a chick.."

"We will see about that... so! Akito, do you dare to make out with Toya? Here. In front of us. Now."

"Huh?! What type of dare is this?"

"You said you weren't a chick.."

"Ugh I will prove you wrong"
He got closer to Toya until their eyes met.

"I'm sorry" Akito whispered to Toyas ear.

He then kissed him. Everyone was shocked. Ena didnt expect that Akito would actually do it.

He then pulled out leaving a line of saliva that was connecting their lips.

Akito had a red face while Toya had gay panic. He turned his head to see the others being in shock.

"So we can kiss people without asking?" Mafuyu asked.

"Yeah.. I guess...?" Mizuki answered.

"Then" mafuyu grabbed Kanades wrist and kissed her. Everyone cheered for that couple until they realized that Akito and Toya weren't there anymore. They have probably went to the bathroom to take a taste from each other.


All of them arrived at their hotels, even Toya and Akito that were now officially parteners in a romantic way. Ena and An teased him while Kohane and Mizuki cheered them up. The day had just ended. Both of them cuddle to the bed before falling asleep.

Sorry. This is kinda smol.
Words: 904 I hope you enjoyed!

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