#Oops you lost!#

491 7 6

This request is from: sakicosmic :D
I hope you enjoy

Warnings: blood, maybe death etc.

"Player T  here, im reporting that player N is 350 meters away from the second flag, over "

Player A changed places of the second flag.
Player A changed places of the second flag.

A robotic voice kept repeating for a couple of seconds until it stopped.

"Player T go for attack. I will be in the lobby trying to get player's E attention, over"

"Got it, player A. Over"

Toya wore a black mask with some blue details on that was given to him at the lobby, the same goes to his outfit that had some metal parts. The main colours were black and blue.

The blue parts in both clothes and accessories were glowing in the dark and he was able to see better. But that meant the rest of the players could see him.

After toya got ready he loaded his gun which was matching his outfit and started running towards his target.

Player N or in other words, Nene.

On the other hand player A, which was Akito, was tried to distract player E so Toya would have easier access to their flags.

Player E was Emu. The 4 of them were playing a game called "Game offline". And it was so far pretty interesting. All of them had guns that could injure each other, and some other weapons to protect themselves.

The main goal was to get all 3 flags from the opposite team that were hiden in the map. Once the flag was spotted the team that owned the flag had the right to move it somewhere else but only twice.

Toya and Akito already had the two of them, they needed to find and get the last one. Nene and emu only had one but they had more stamina than the boys so it wouldn't be easy to win.

The map they were also in wasn't helping a lot too. It was a big city, it looked like Tokyo but it wss night with lights on, on some of the building around. The colours were pink, purple, blue, green and orange. They were similar to their outfits.

Toya was now hiding behind a car spying on Nene. He was about to make a move so he could attack their flag but suddenly he felt a sharp pain from his shoulder. He wss shot. But how? Nene didn't..

It was Emu.

"Player N, Come quickly behind the cars near the school! Over"

"Got it. Over"

Toya was in pain. He was already kneeling down. Blood was coming out making everything messy. He started felling dizzy. He couldn't really tell what was happening. Emu had a big knife with her pointing at toyas neck waiting for him to move so she can slice him open.

Suddenly, before Nene could make it there, Akito pushed Emu away, grabbing toya in bridal style he started running away from them. He headed towards their flags so he could heal toya.

"W-wait.. t-take their flag"

"Shhh later. Tou are more important."

Toya fainted. He was too exhausted. He had lost already too much blood.

"Shit toya, im sorry"

Akito couldn't distract Emu. He instead got hit by her while she took his gun. Now he had no weapons to fight with them.

Oh well he could use toyas if they come. He is going to win for toya. They will win.

Once he arrived at the lobby, where their collected flags where there he placed toya down. He connected all the wires to pc the game had foe toya to wake up.

Not even five minutes later Nene and Emu had found them.

"You little shits"

Akito grabbed Toyas gun and started shooting at them. Emu got a couple scratches on her face but Nene had got injurer very badly.

"The battle is not over"

Emu said, very cold and left with Nene .

Finally some minutes toya was feeling better. Once akito noticed that Toya was awake he went straight in for a hug.

"You scared me. Im sorry i risked your life.."

"Dont worry.. we should probably do something quickly though. The timer will go off any time soon"

Akito looked up. The moon had a giant clock that sound the remaining time on the game. If none of the teams won in the minutes they were given, they would have to loose something very important to them.

"Ahh shit i forgot about that too. So. Eh... What should we do now?"

"Why dont we go in at the same time? I will probably attack nene and you Emu"

"Deal, but dont die my partner.."

"Like i would"

Akito had smirk on his face before getting up and later on reaching down at Toyas hand to help him get up.

After both of them got ready and made a small plan in case something goes wrong the would survive together.

They were now hiding behind some trash cans trying to spot the flag since nene moved her once she saw that toya knew where it was.

Once they spotted the flag they made eye contact with each other making sure they were both ready to attach the other team at the same time.

Akito did thumbs up and toya went in to attack but for their surprise nobody was here. Akito didn't waste time and started running towards the flag to take it back.

Toya followed him checking around in case they found any traps. On their way back they spotted the two girls fping back to their base, holding the two flags of the boy's team.

"We are fucked. Run toya run"

They were running like there was no tomorrow. The timer wasn't helping too, it said they had only a minute left. Toya couldnt take it anymore. He fell down panting like an animal.


"Keep going..!"

"N-no! Wait.. I..!"

"Run akito.. for me..!"


Akito started running to their base but he couldn't leave toya there. He came back and started running to their flaga with toya in his back.

"Im making you slower.."

Toya said. Very silently, tired of all this.

"Shut up. Its okay."

Suddenly akito got a message from the girls.

"Player A we can't make it in time . Are you close to your base?"

"H-how much time if left "

"30 second!"


Akito couldn't run any faster. he was about to collapse too. Until he did. The alarm went off and everyone fainted.


Akito took off his VR glasses and looked around. He spotted Nene and Emu next to him, talking about how amazing the game was. Once akito turned to check on toya he was left speechless.

Toya was laying down.. with tear in his eyes. It looked like he had passed out from struggling. The workers had already seen him but didn't gave a damn.


Akito said as he felt something down his throat.

Sorry for not uploading. MY LIFE IS A MESS. i have a program and it keeps changing.. anyways.

Hope you enjoyed!

Saving for toya:')

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