♡(○)Keep me close(○)♡

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Tw: mentions of sex

Hope u enjoy!

3rd person Pov:

"Today as expected you guys receive back your final tests for this class. If someone thinks they deserve to get a better grade can come to my office during launch. The rest you can ask me tomorrow."

-Akito got his paper on his hands. He was actually really confined about this test, he had studied with Toya and even made attempts to study alone. He believed he at least got 15/20. But in his surprise the paper was mark with red pen in every sentence. His heart skipped a beat. He had gotten 4/20. How was this possible? He had studied so hard. He felt tears running down his face.-

"Hey..Shinonome how did you went? Huh! You-you are crying?!"

"Fuck off" the bell rang and he rushed to the bathroom. He didnt want Toya to see him in such a mess.

But he did study thought. It was the first lesson that he focused that much. But still he got worst than usual.

-he heard his phone ringing-

"Toya" the screen said.

He answered the phone but instead of a disappointment Toya he heard Toya rushing through students.

"Where are you?!"

"The bathroom Im sorry, I fucked up again"

The call ended. Wow even Toya left him. Why was he so useless at school. An, Mizuki and Ena will probably make fan off him.

Not 2 minutes later he saw the bathroom door to open. Toya was trying to catch up his breath while his body moved forward. It moved closer and closer to Akito's until Toya Hugged him tight.

"I'm sorry, I dont know why you went like this..I will talk to the teachers and find out a solution okay..?" He tried so bad not to cry.

"Do you want to cry?" Akito said forward not even thinking it for second time.

"Why you ask? By the way, are you okay..? Your classmate told me what happened"

"I'm fine just disappointed and surprised but not in a good way"

"Its okay..could I take a look at your answers?"

"Here have my phone.. I knew you would ask for them so i took a picture"

"Thanks" Toya got Akito's phone and went through every single answer. He kept re-seeing them until he finally came to a realization.

"Hey Akito.. have you ever went to a doctor about studying difficulties? Or dyslexia and stuff?"

"No why would I?!" Toya's eyes winded up.

"I think I know why you go bad at tests when you study.. especially on this one.. I saw how hard you worked and actually.. if my theories are correct you deserve at least 16/20."

"Huh?! How is this possible! Bu-but I went like shit!"

"Wait for me after school I wanna test out something"

"Kay.. sorry for making ya worry.. and thank again" he leaned beside Toya. They were alone. Suprising nobody wanted to use the bathroom.

"I will be always here for you, to pick you up when you are down, just like you do"


Akito made his way to Toya running cause soccer club kept him late again.

"Sorry for the wait"

"No worries, I just finish library duty too"

"Good, now where do you want to head in?"

"Just follow me..by the way your motivation changed very quickly"

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