♡Rainy day♡

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It was a cold day, the clouds gave off a sleepy mood while the sky was gray just like toyas eyes. Perfect for him. He was a winter person.

He loved reading books during this time periods. Especially when he had a hot cup off coffee beside him.

But this time was different. He was with Akito. Walking down the Vivid street. Talking about the new events and which songs they prefer to practice.

Until it started raining. Not a lot, just a bit that you could barely feel it.

Not for Akito though. He hated rain. It was probably a habit that he got from soccer.

Because everytime it was raining his soccer practice was canceled. This is happening until today with the vocal practice, but it's not always bad.

I mean he can always hangout with Toya. Like now. Luckily Toya had brought an umbrella with him, since he saw how the weather looked like.

He then opened it, making sure he and Akito fitted together. Their shoulders were touching. Making both of them blush. They were now making their way to..

Akito didnt were he was going. He just followed Toya. He was curious to be honest.

"Oi Toya. Were are going ?"

"I-I yes I forgot to ask you. Would you like to come to my place? My dad is overseas and my mother is staying at her friends place for a week so I have the place for myself."

"Yes, of course! Finally I will get to see ya room and not be in a video call"

"Yeah.. now let's  hurry before the rain gets too strong"



Both of them arrived at Toyas house. It was a big white house that seemed modern. Before entering in, Toya picked his head to see if the lights were on.

They weren't. That meant he was alone.
He took off his shoes before walking inside the big living room.

Akito did the same, he left his shoes outside since they were dirty from the rain.

He then took a good look of Toyas house. The walls were white. Most of the furniture was black and gray. The objects that decorated the living room were wooden.

The kitchen had many accessories that were made from glass. Lastly it was time to see the room he has been waiting for.

He followed toya up the stairs. Toya opened the door revealing his 'super exciting room' to Akito.

"Yooooo. You sleep here??"

"Well yeah..  its technically my room.."

"Its so sick"

"Ahhaah thanks.."

Toya blushed lightly. Akito was now scanning every single detail to Toyas room.

His organized bookselfs, his piano, his big bed and the big windows he had that were now closed since he wasn't home.

( in case if you dont know how Toyas room looks like:))

( in case if you dont know how Toyas room looks like:))

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