Chapter 2 : New Life New Roomate

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Porsche's Point of view

Hi, I'm Porsche. I'm twenty three years old, tall, dark with black cat eyes. If I had to describe myself in one word: beautiful. I know, it's pretentious to start a presentation like that but I'm like that. I don't like to argue uselessly and I say things when I feel like saying them.My life has been shit ever since that bastard Kinn came into my life. My worst flaw? Be selfless with everyone. But I can't help it. It was my upbringing that made me like this. Help others and the gods will reward you, right?

Well there they served me well... After rescuing Kinn from the clutches of the Italian mafia, I stayed with his father, Mr. Korn, who almost harassed me to come and work for the main family. Not only did this old dinosaur terrorize my family and friends, but he also managed to get me kicked out of college and my job as a bartender.

Being the eldest of my family, my parents having died when I was a child, I have to finance the studies of my brother Chay, who has just turned eighteen. As if my life wasn't shitty enough, I had to turn to Korn to accept, by force of course, his offer to work for him and take care of his son Kinn. The deal is this: the adult family pays for all of my brother's education in exchange for my bodyguard services.

And what services... between bringing him his coffee, sorting out some day-to-day business, beating people up and killing a few people, I wouldn't be surprised to see myself going to Hell... In short, my life is pathetic. I hate Kinn and he hates me too. I decided to piss him off as much as possible and I'm enjoying it since he can't fire me. Mr. Korn, for some reason still unknown to me, never will because he seems very attached to me, despite everything he has put me through.

And for my part... I have no intention of leaving the house of the big family anytime soon, especially since I met my roommate... Pete. I heard that Kinn was madly in love with him and intended to woo him. And if I arrived before him?

It's a very appealing idea. Especially since I seemed to have caught his eye the first time I stepped on the floor of our common room. I will always remember it, the way he looked at me, up and down. It's like Pete was holding back from jumping on me... I burst out laughing just thinking about it! This guy is so comfortable with everyone... that it will be very easy for me to come between him and Kinn.

Right now, I'm in the cafeteria, on my phone, watching social media. The only advantage of the main family is that it does not cut us off from the outside world. Bodyguards have the right to keep their personal phones with them, provided they do not misuse them during working hours. I'm not going to complain about this rule, so happy to have great internet access, even if I didn't have one at home. I didn't have the means to offer this to my brother... Looking back, my heart hurts but I console myself by thinking that now that I work for the big family, Chay is no longer missing. anything. 

"Oh...I'm going to text her to find out how her studies are going at the moment..."

I leave the Instagram tab to open that of my messages. As I begin to type on my touchscreen keyboard, I freeze when I hear a meal tray land in front of me. I look up and my heart starts beating faster when I meet Pete's gaze.

- Hi... can I sit here?

- Sure! (Determined to have Pete in my bed before Kinn, I let a smile form on my face.) Where did you even...

Pete seems to understand what I mean and chuckles.

- Maybe one day if you're good.

- But I am all the time!

Pete doesn't answer. He takes off his suit jacket and sits down at the table to start eating. I keep watching her, mesmerized by her every move.

"Big wasn't kidding when he told me that Pete had something more than the other guys. He's really...very special." 

I rush to talk to him.

- So, how was your morning?

- Uh... as usual! Tankhun ordered me to watch  a crime drama with him. At the moment he is passionate about American series....and you? With Kinn? Still tense?

I roll my eyes.

- Fucked him deep and it was boring. I had to follow him to the shooting range with his friends Tay and Time. They talked business. Very uninteresting! I almost regret not being Tankhun's bodyguard...

Pete doesn't seem to agree with what I'm saying.

– Tankhun is the craziest of the big family. He is slightly hysterical and completely mad. It's good to be with him but in the long run it's exhausting. You know he's also traumatized by his abduction as a child. He is paranoid and thinks the outside wants to hurt him. Being his main bodyguard, I have to be constantly on alert so that nothing happens to him.

- Yeah, I know. Kinn told me about it, in one of the only times we didn't argue. Is Tankhun so insufferable?

- No, that's not it... He's very nice and protective of us and especially me. He noticed that Mr. Kinn was hovering around me and lusting after me... he tries not to show it but I think this situation makes him uncomfortable. 

- Oh ? 

- Yes, you heard right. Me, I don't understand why tankhun is so uncomfortable with this... Knowing that Mr. Kinn likes me isn't as bad as it sounds... (Pete looks flattered at to be an object of interest for Kinn. He smiles like a child in front of his Christmas presents. For my part, a feeling of intense irritability settles in my belly. How I hate to hear the name of Kinn out of that mouth... Luckily Pete will quickly change the conversation.) But to honestly answer your question, Mr. Tankhun must be likened to a child. You must keep an eye on it at all times. These are the instructions of Mr. Korn, the father. If something as serious as a kidnapping happens to Tankhun, then I can say goodbye to my head. It is the fact of having to be on my guard at all times that upsets and exhausts me the most. Otherwise, the work is pretty quiet for me. We still make a lot of money working for the main family, don't you think?

I shrug my shoulders, not wanting to talk about Kinn and the main family members anymore. I take my phone in hand and take care of sending a message to my brother Chay to ask him for news. I barely had time to finish my activity when the noise of the chairs rubbing the floor echoed in my ears. Agitation, murmurs...

I unscrew my head from my shoulders to find out who is the reason for so much noise. My eyes widen when I see Kinn coming.

The return of problems...

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Hi guys! I hope you liked this chapter ! For my part, I had a lot of fun writing it! But what will happen next? How is Kinn going to handle Porsche knowing that Pete is there? Mystery!Don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss anything! Also follow me on Instagram and Youtube: Bibluidship <3 See you soon!!!

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