Chapter 89: Vegas the martyred, KinnPorsche the trapped

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When I see Pete arrive at my room so quickly, a wave of relief washes over me. Despite the pain that grips me, I am grateful to see him there, by my side, ready to offer me his unconditional support. His face is both worried and confused. Deep down, I understand that I can count on him to be there, no matter what happened.

- Master... what state are you in?

I struggle to smile, as I see him approach me, ready to help me. He helps me to stand up, while imploring me to explain to him what happened during the confrontation with my father.I feel his concern and his desire to understand the situation, and it touches me deeply. I say:

- Take care of me and I'll tell you.

At the same time, a bodyguard arrives with what he needs. Pete immediately works to disinfect all my wounds. I then start to speak:

- Dad came to tell me that the main family is about to find out that you're not at your grandmother's house, that's what it is. Kinn and Porsche are on their way to your grandmother's house. Dad has put in place a strategy to kill them and ensure that they do not reach your grandmother because for him, this will be the starting point for the main family to discover that Dad is the Eye of the Tiger.

As I could have predicted, Pete stops treating me.The shock is clear on Pete's face as my words fall on him like a sledgehammer. His eyes widen, his breath hitches, as he tries to comprehend the magnitude of what I have just revealed.He stands frozen, his thoughts swirling in his head as he tries to process the gravity of the situation. 

The idea that his loved ones, Kinn and Porsche, are in imminent danger seems to hit him hard, and the revelation that his own father planned their deaths is almost too much to bear.His hands tremble slightly as he searches for words, trying to find an answer to this desperate situation. 

Fear and disbelief mix in his eyes as he realizes the magnitude of the danger awaiting him and those he loves.In a silence heavy with tension, I stand there, anxiously awaiting his reaction.

- Boss...Boss Tiger/Gun is going to kill P'Kinn and Porsche?

I am absolutely pained to nod my head positively. Pete starts to cry and I hug him, as devastated as he is.Even though I don't particularly like Kinn, he's still a member of the family. I'm super close to Porsche and the idea of potential death scares me a little.

Being locked in the secret residence frustrates me because now I cannot have control over what happens.Pete and I live in uncertainty.

- I swear Pete...I tried to convince him not to do it but...he didn't listen to me. It was Tiger in charge and he beat me for standing up to him. I'm sorry, baby.

Pete pulls away from me, tears in his eyes.

- Don't...don't apologize Master.'s not your fault but mine...if...if I hadn't had the stupid idea of entering your father's office to discover that he was there Tiger's Eye, everything we are experiencing would not have happened. I'm terrible.

I shake Pete a little, refusing to hear him talk himself down.

- No, don't say that about yourself. I refuse to hear you mistreat yourself. I don't want to do it myself anymore so don't do it yourself.Pete continues to cry his eyes out, terrified of losing Kinn and Porsche.

- But...Master...

On a whim, I said to him:

- Stop calling me Master. Call me Vegas now. I...I don't want you to be inferior to me anymore, Pete. 

Faced with my response, Pete seems surprised at first, his eyes searching mine in a silent quest for understanding. A flicker of disbelief crosses his eyes as my words sink in, and I can almost feel his surprise mingling with a complex mix of emotions.

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