Chapter 99 : Farewell, KinnPorsche paused, VegasPete emerging

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Tiger/Gun :

The sun is barely beginning to rise over the horizon, but I am already on a war footing. It has been hours since I heard from Nope and his men. A dull worry gnaws at my stomach. The anxiety is palpable, and I know I can no longer sit idly by.

I get into my car, accompanied by my most trusted henchmen. I take one last look at the hotel we have occupied and order my driver to start. The road to the seedy hotel where Nope had planned to go is winding and poorly lit. I remain silent, my mind tormented by dark thoughts.

The minutes pass like hours, each kilometer traveled intensifying my nervousness. The silence in the car is oppressive, broken only by the monotonous drone of the engine. My men exchange worried glances, feeling the growing tension in me.

When we finally arrive at the hotel, the place seems deserted and gloomy. The rain has left puddles in the parking lot, and dim lighting adds to the eerie atmosphere. I get out of the car, my gaze scanning the surroundings. I cautiously walk toward the entrance, followed by my men.

Inside, the hotel is a mess. Signs of a struggle are visible, and I feel a surge of adrenaline. I move quickly, checking each room until I arrive at the one Nope had mentioned. The door is smashed, and the interior is ravaged.

A police unit is on site to take samples. I find Nope's body lying on the ground, lifeless and marked by the violence of the fight. Anger and frustration rise in me like a wave. There is no point in approaching and bending over his body, it is clear that Nope is dead. I clench my fists, realizing that Vegas and Pete have escaped once again.

I ask the policeman closest to me, my voice shaking with rage:

- What happened here?

The policeman, visibly nervous, looks around.

- I don't know if...

- I'm a Theerapanyakul.

The policeman's eyes widen at the mention of my last name. He consults his notes before answering me:

- I... yes... Sir, from the first elements we have gathered, it seems that there was a violent fight between your man and someone else. According to the witnesses, two men slept here. According to the witnesses, they arrived together, but they were attacked by your men.

I frown, impatient to know the details.

- Vegas and Pete... the two men's names are Vegas and Pete...

I search my phone for a photo of my son. The policeman takes a photo of it with his phone.

- If you find one, you will find the other. I am looking for them...

The policeman continues:

- I will take note of it, sir. Hmm... It seems that it was Vegas who reacted quickly. It seems that he neutralized Nope's bodyguards one by one, using a combination of close combat techniques. 

The injuries on his opponents' bodies indicate that he is extremely well trained. He managed to eliminate all the attackers, but the fight with Nope was particularly brutal.

The policeman pauses, searching for the right words to describe the scene:

- Vegas and Nope fought in single combat. Judging from the marks on the ground and the shards of wood, the fight was fierce. Vegas finally gained the upper hand, using his agility and brute strength to neutralize Nope. After killing Nope,

I clench my fists tighter and tighter, rage boiling inside me. The police officer continues:

- Witnesses claim to have seen Pete leave the room first, carrying bags, probably under orders from Vegas. Vegas joined him shortly after, and they left the hotel in a car. We haven't been able to get a precise description of their vehicle, but we know they drove south.

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