Chapter 8: Meeting under high tension

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Kim's  point of view. 

6:00 a.m. My alarm rings. I open my eyes at lightning speed and jump out of bed to take a cold shower. My name is Kim. I am 21 years old and I am the third and last son of the  Theerapanyakul family. I am part of the main branch. I have several occupations in life. I am mainly a musician-singer. I perform in bars and restaurants, I am also very well known in social networks. I have a lot of fans around the world but what they don't know is that I'm also in the middle of the mafia in my spare time.

I do not live with my brothers and father by thirst for independence. Dad didn't want me to leave him for fear that something would happen to me and the only option I had to leave was to take a bodyguard with me and participate in about ten percent of the business. family.

This is how I find myself having to get out of bed to go to the business meeting that unites the major and minor family. As I drop my pajamas to the floor and turn on my shower before getting in, I can't help but think how much I hate these meetings.

What is said and done is interesting but the problem is that there is always something that disturbs everything. The last time was when Porsche, Kinn's newest bodyguard, made my cousin Macau's head bleed. The minor and main family had almost drowned in a rain of pistol bullets.

He may be clumsy at first glance, but...he's still a hell of a handsome character. It's a wonder Kinn hasn't fallen under her spell yet.

- Porsche is so mysterious...that he should be attracted...Kinn likes everything that he can't have or that is difficult for him to access.

I know it. I am his brother. I know Kinn's tastes by heart. As a boy, Porsche is his perfect match but...he doesn't seem to see it...yet. He's more addicted to Pete, the head bodyguard of Tankhun, my big brother.

- Open your eyes Kinn, otherwise I'll do it for you.

The image of Porsche in my mind, part of me wondering how nobody really knows about it. It's true... my father went through some unusual process to hire him. He seems very interested in him, as if he were close to him but not really. What could they have in common?

Nothing at all. This is the conclusion that I have drawn from my long investigation of Porsche. Too much mystery around him prompted me to investigate his subject. I learned that he was a former taekwondo champion converted into a bartender before knowing Kinn. His parents died in a car accident, but everything leads me to believe that was not really what happened. The case hides a heavy secret, I'm sure she was suffocated to hide it and my instinct tells me that Dad is behind it all, he is the key.

To have the end of the story on the death of Porsche's parents and what drives my father to take such good care of him, I have to go inside the mystery itself: the Pachara Kittisawat family.

Just thinking about it, an image of Chay pops into my head. He's Porsche's little brother, the one who considers me his idol. I smile like a child just thinking about him but I also freeze thinking about the motivations that push me to attend him. I have been giving him, for several weeks, private guitar lessons in Chay, in order to prepare him to enter the most popular music university in Bangkok. 

Chay is happy that I do him this favor, even if he is far from imagining that I use it for personal purposes, namely to have answers to my questions on what pushes my father to want to take them under his protection, him and Porsche.

The registration fees to enter the University are very expensive in Thailand but I know that it was my father who agreed to pay them. Chay doesn't know that I'm part of the main family and it's better that he doesn't know.

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