Chapter 36 : Macau discovering Chay

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POV Chay

I don't know what time I woke up this morning but I know it's early enough to hear noise in the kitchen. Kim is no longer in bed and I'm willing to bet he's already gone.

I'm surprised to see him busy in the kitchen making breakfast. Usually when he's at my place, I'm the one who cooks and seeing him do it is a little strange to me.

He freezes with the frying pan in his hand when he sees me.

- Her... Hi... chay...slept well?

I do not answer, determined to make him understand that I am someone very resentful. I noticed he made my breakfast but I'm not going to do him the favor of letting me cherish. I will make my own food.

- I made you your lunch already... you don't want...

I royally ignore him, voluntarily bumping into his shoulder to go in the direction of the fridge and take some eggs from it. Kim sighs in resignation, understanding my scheme.

- Chay... please... aren't you going to piss me off too?!

The answer is obvious, you secretive... I hate secrets and you have hidden a huge one from me. I take the pan from his hands and voluntarily throw the eggs he made for me in the trash to make another one myself.

I feel Kim deeply disturbed and also hurt.
That's my goal and it's far from over my dear baby...

He lowers his head while I bustle about in the kitchen, as if he wasn't there. He ends up throwing his plate in the sink with his breakfast in it, angry. He kicks the trash can before making his way to the bedroom.

I feel my heart beating very fast. I didn't think Kim could be powerfully angry. This is the first time that we have argued and also that I see it like that.

My hands shake when I feel him reappear in the living room. I act like nothing happened. Kim doesn't talk to me and it's better that way. On the other hand he slams the door brutally behind him, just to make me understand that he is not having a good day.

It's him looking for all this and then it's not for this that we slept together that we are reconciled....

POV Kinn

I'm in my office with P'Chan, who was sent by Papa to give me a detailed report on our situation in the war against the Tanaka family. I learn that Mr. Win, the former business partner of Mrs. Chang of Joya Compagnie was seen at Bangkok airport by our allies but that he could not take his flight. He fled the scene and his bodyguards protected her so that he was still alive.

- We're sure to catch him soon. He knows that we monitor all the residences of the Tanaka family and all the strategic points of their economy. All it takes is one mistake on his part to get his head.

I am happy to learn this. P'chan continues:

- We count some 200 dead on the opposing side and 90 on our side and a certain number of wounded. We briefly lost the advantage in this sector (P'chan shows me an area on the map in front of me) but we made up for it this morning. The Tanaka family doesn't want to surrender yet either. She sent a request for reinforcement to her collaborator in the Korean mafia located in the provinces and we intercepted flight data.

- The landing places?

P'Chan takes a list of places and contact details from his pocket.

- Yes that's correct. I was thinking that...

- Yes! You have to send people there and kill everyone. You will cut off their heads and send everything to the Tanaka family with a sweet note.

P'chan never considered my decisions extreme. After all he doesn't have to and he gets paid a fortune to obey...
He nods and opens his mouth to continue his words but we are interrupted when the door to my office waltzes violently.

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