Chapter 100 :Korn Closest to VegasPete

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I pace back and forth in my hotel room, unable to find a moment of calm. For the past few days, I have been in Laos to track down my brother Gun, my nephew Vegas and my bodyguard Pete.I combed through the entire secret house before completely destroying it with explosives. Tiger's Eye wanted to erase his tracks but he didn't quite succeed. I was able to get a glimpse of his sinister plans regarding the main family by getting my hands on compromising documents.

He really wanted to kill us all, starting with the minor family, before continuing with my sons, then me. He had already contacted terrorist organizations to liquidate me but since I am starting to have the advantage between him and me, I can reshuffle the cards of the game without difficulty.

The mercenaries that Tiger Eye used to kidnap Kinn and Porsche are now on their way to pulverize all those who were to kill me and my family. By tomorrow, I will have no one left who would attempt to kill me.

As good news never comes alone, one of my local allies, someone I trust absolutely, informed me that Nope's body was found in a seedy motel in Phongsali province. The news hit me like a clap of thunder, resonating in every fiber of my being.

Nope, that insidious traitor, is dead. And even more disturbing, he was killed by a man who looks exactly like Vegas. According to my contact, Vegas was in the company of another young man. The description matches Pete.

My joy is immense to learn that Vegas and Pete escaped together. However, one shadow persists: Gun. He too came to the scene of Nope's crime, not as a fugitive, but as a tracker. This information sends a whirlwind of questions through my mind: how could this have happened? 

Why isn't Gun running away but tracking instead?

I clench my fists, overwhelmed by frustration and worry.

-Everything leads me to believe that Gun is working with Tiger's Eye... he's become their henchman, even going so far as to have his own son killed? It doesn't make sense...

The implications of this revelation are serious. If Gun is indeed allied with Tiger's Eye, it means that our enemy is closer and more dangerous than ever. We are now facing not only an external threat, but also an internal betrayal, within our own family.

The revelation that Gun is a real traitor working with Nope for Tiger's Eye plunges me into an abyss of anger and betrayal. My hands shake as I contemplate the extent of the damage that Gun has caused to our family.

Gun, my own brother, has turned against us, against his own family. The pain of this betrayal is overwhelming, like a dagger in my heart.

I remember all the years we spent fighting together, protecting our family and our empire, even if we sometimes fell out.

It all seems like a charade now, a web of lies cleverly maintained by Gun to serve his own purposes. How could he have come to this? How could he have allied himself with the Tiger's Eye, a sworn enemy of our family?

- I understand everything better now. If Gun hid Macau and Vegas, it was because he had discovered that Pete was getting closer and closer to his secrets, those of Nope and the Tiger's Eye. So he took him prisoner and they both left, with Vegas and Nope, to the secret house we discovered... Everything is clear... that's why we had no more news of the minor family from him...

Rage rises inside me, burning and inexorable. Every fiber of my being screams for vengeance. I clench my fists, my nails digging into the palms of my hands, as I swear inwardly to put an end to this betrayal. Gun no longer deserves my clemency, he no longer even deserves to carry our family name.

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