Chapter 67 : Always closer to the goal

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POV Korn

In three days, Vegas and Porsche managed to find a new suspect in the pursuit of the Tiger's Eo. According to them, the traitor of the secondary house and the Tiger's Oeil are only one and the same person but I have trouble believing it.

Today, I will clarify this matter. I have to question a man, Leonardo. He has been working for the secondary family for a few years, before he worked for my father.

I pretend to review the accounts with him to make him come to the main house. Gun, being absent because of Macau moving to Europe, he is the first accountant to contact to see the financial situation of the secondary house. So that he didn't suspect anything, I brought Vegas and Pete with him. As soon as I have it on hand, I will put it in the torture room with Porsche, Pol, Ken and Kinn, in the hope that he will tell me a little more about the Tiger's eye.

Chan, who is gradually recovering from Big's death, comes to me to inform me of the arrival of Vegas, Pete and the accountant.

- I'm coming.

He follows me through the corridors that lead to the large hall of my house. A few bodyguards bow before us before passing their way. Vegas and Pete arrive at the same time as us and we greet each other. The accountant comes to me, looking delighted to be there.

- I am honored to be here to replace your brother, Boss Gun.

I take a look at vegas and pete, who know why he is there.

- I'm also happy to see you again. Gun is absent for a while, we will have to meet again in the next few days but come, we have a lot to do. We will analyze the statistical results of the secondary house. Vegas, you don't need to be present. Kinn and Porsche will be present. You can go and relax in your apartments. Pete?

- Yes, sir?

- You will stay with it.

- Well Sir.

I see Vegas exchanging a brilliant look with Pete but I don't dwell on it. They take the path that leads to the private apartments while I, Chan and the accountant take that of the torture rooms.

The accountant begins to be nervous and I act as if I don't feel it.

- We are going...?

- a meeting room, protected from indiscreet ears.

We take the elevator, towards the lower floors. I am sending a message to Kinn to tell him that we are approaching. He received the message because two minutes later, he jumps on the accountant and puts him on the ground.

- Not a gesture, don't move.

The accountant finds himself on the ground, crushed by my son's weight.

- But...???

- You will explain to us some little things, little traitor.

- I...I don't understand....

Porsche lifts the accountant with one hand and grabs his hands behind his back.

- In the torture room.

The accountant is struggling but he will not be able to do anything against the strength of Porsche and Kinn.

POV Pete

We are in the apartments of Boss Vegas. It looks like Kinn's so I know where the slightest piece is.

- Sir you...

He jumps on me to kiss me passionately. Too surprised I take time to react.

- aaaah... Sir...

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