Chapter 58: Indecision, impatience and taking power

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Chay's point of view

I'm still in shock over my breakup with Kim. I've been single for two weeks and I still can't get used to this new reality.

Kim meant everything to me, but now I feel empty, without a point of reference and a pillar of life. Kim was my love, my ally. He had hidden a lot of things from me, like the fact that he was in the middle of the mafia and that he knew Porsche.

I had forgiven him for that, after weeks of distance. We had managed to redo this episode, I thought it would be the one and only but in fact not.

Kim cheated on me and I have to live with that. My heart is torn into several pieces and I don't know how to fix it.

I've been mourning my breakup with Kim for two weeks. Fortunately, I am not alone. Macau is there, like a faithful friend. I squatted at his house for a few days before finding the strength to return home, to my house, to the walls imbued with loving memories of me and Kim.

I'm currently softening up on my couch, with a pot of chocolate in my hand and a spoon in it. I watch a series without interest, just to clear my head.

I have a blanket on me, my security blanket in my arms. I don't know how long I've been here but I don't care. I could die on the couch if Macau wasn't there to shake me up.

- Chay...are you still watching TV?

- Yes...I...I don't want to move...

Macau gestures for me to make room for him on the couch. I made him without discussion, to lie down on his legs.

He sighs, stroking my hair.

- I'm not sure it's a good idea to stay like this... you have to pull yourself together! Life doesn't stop at Kim...

- I know's hard to move on when you've lived such a beautiful and intense story...I...I love Kim deeply but...

- You said you didn't want to forgive you're telling me that you love the one who cheated on you? Are you telling me that after all I've done for you???

Macau glares at me and stops showing affection. I straighten up, aware that tensions will flare.

- I...I don't know what to do with this situation, Macau...understand me...We are friends...

- We've been more than friends since the moment you threw yourself on me to fuck you wildly in my brother's room.

Macau is getting cold. I lower my head.

- I'm sorry for that Macau but...I needed this to...

- ...and me? don't you ask what my needs are? I fucked you so many times in the last few weeks that I'm sure Kim did less with you than I did with you...I took your requests into account without putting limits on what I didn't want not!!
You don't realize how much I've done for you...

I don't understand why Macau is mad at me. Looks like he's getting impatient with something but I don't know what he's talking about.

-I...I'm sorry you didn't feel so understood...I...I didn't know that...

Macau pushes me onto the sofa and I end up lying down.

- Macau...What...what are you doing...? Not that please...

I am grabbed by the neck.

- Do you honestly think I'm going to let you get back together with Kim? You're totally dreaming...I picked you up when you were at your worst, there's no way I'd do it again several times for the same person.

-'re hurting me...please...I...I don't even know if I'm going to get back together with .you have absolutely nothing to worry about right now...p...forgive me for putting you in such a bad mood...I..aaaah...

Macau flips me like a pancake and gets on top of me.

- Do you want me to forgive you? Alright...

I get a spanking before feeling my pants go down and my ass being invaded by a huge hard cock.

- aaanh... Ma... Macau...

I feel Macau grow in me with strength and power. It hurts me a lot but I let myself go to soften it a little.

If I thought he was sweet, I was totally wrong.


I fuck Chay with power and rage, without worrying about his cries of pain and supplications. He doesn't understand that everything I do, I do it for him and for his life to improve?

Kim doesn't deserve it. I didn't tell him that I was the one who made sure that he was no longer together. I do it to protect him from my cousin. I find it bad. He does not deserve to have things easily as they have had them all throughout his life.

Why will I have to fight to get something and he won't?

I find this unfair.

That's why I set this plan of false deception in motion. Chay will be mine and Kim will find herself alone.

- Aaanhw... Macau... please... you hurt me... I... I suffer... we will all do as you want but please slow down...

I give him a spanking.

- If I do all this, that I get angry with you, Chay, it's because you mean a lot to me and I refuse to see you ruin your life with a guy like Kim.

Chay squeals in pain while clinging to the cushions.

- I... I'm sorry for... everything... sorry for... aaah... don't give me back for everything you do for me... I... I'm sorry... aaaanh...

- Do you promise to be wise and kind to me and not to go back with Kim? He doesn't deserve you!!

To be sure to have the answer I want to hear, I'm accelerating. Chay screams in pain.

- Aaaanh... AAAAAAH... Yes... Yes Macau... stop... stop... stop... please... pity it hurts... aaaanh...

I withdraw from him and turn him over to look him straight in the eyes.

- You are mine, Chay. Not to Kim. TO ME!!

I yell at him so that he understands well. Chay squeaks with terror while curling up.

- I... I... I'm yours... P'Macau... not to Kim... to you... please... calm down... you... you scare me...

Chay cries like a baby. His eyes no longer give off the slightest assurance. I sigh to evacuate the last anger before detaching myself from him.

- Go take a shower to be clean. I want you to smell good. Take back in hand or I get angry again.

I turn off the television and put away the remote controls. Chay takes his clothes and literally runs away from the room. I remind him.

- Chay!!!

He immediately turns to me.

- Y... Yes...?

- Not a word of all this to anyone...otherwise you will be able to say goodbye to your superb life.

Chay lowers his eyes.

- I... I won't say anything, I promise.

I approach him and grab him by the neck.

- Where is your phone?

- In the kitchen.

I signal him to leave. He executes without protesting. I go to the kitchen as promised and I take the phone.

I know his opening code. He had done it once in front of me and I kept him in memory.

He didn't change it, which suits me strongly in what I want to do: block Kim's number from Chay's cell phone.

I take this opportunity to read their message.

Kim kept harassing him with calls and messages to invite him to explain himself but Chay had never answered them. I can't wait to know how Kim will react when he sees that he will no longer be able to send a message to Chay.

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