Chapter 7: Sweet Warm Night [+18]

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Porsche's point of view:

It took more than fifteen minutes for Boss Tanlhun to calm down and recover from his emotions, following his encounter with Boss Vegas.

He's Kinn's cousin, a dark asshole who only thinks about money and wealth. He's not as fierce as Kinn but knows how to command respect when needed. All the main family bodyguards fear him. For my part, he does not scare me and I am happy to know that Pete does not let it either. He decided to face it alone and that, few people would know how to do it.

The first time I encountered Vegas, I remember it well. That was two months ago, shortly after I started working for Kinn. Those days, Pete had explained to me how the Theerapanyakul family worked, and Vegas had given me a smoldering look. I had also had chills. At first I liked him, thinking he would make a good friend. But I was wrong and the Universe made it clear to me.This guy tried to flirt with me several times and then wanted to rape me twice. 

The first time was shortly after the diamond auction. Kinn had arrived in time to save me and he kicked Vegas, who had to go to the hospital. The second time was when we, Pete, me and Arm had to work with Vegas to ensnare the Italian Mafia who were smuggling drugs into Theerapanyakul family territory. 

The mission had been a success and we had drunk like morons to celebrate our victory. Vegas waited until I was completely drunk to bring me to the bathroom and try to do his little business in my ass. Except, my sixth sense saved me. I was able to get out of this uncomfortable situation by giving him a well-placed kick in his private parts.

Since then, our relations have been conflictual. I don't like it and I can understand Boss Tankhun wanting to rip his head off in Vegas but he shouldn't do it in a place as crowded as the Mojjo Rooftop Lounge Bar. It's a really luxurious place, with huge bay windows, a white and black floor, there are several bar units, inside and outside. VIP squares are available on the mezzanine and the employees are all very well dressed, in French fashion, that is to say both without vulgarity and refined.

- There are people tonight!

I turn to Boss Tankhun.

- And it's not good?

- Mmmmm no! I don't like it when it's crowded!

A sweet voice comes to sing in my ears:

- You know Boss Tankhun doesn't like people!

Pete makes his return, for the ultimate well-being of my eyes. A big smile takes hold of my lips.

- Oh, are you there? You left Vegas whole I hope? Didn't you break his skinny bones?

- His skinny bones? He has more muscle than me! If there's anyone with thin bones it's me, not Boss Vegas... Anyway, he's gone now. What are we doing ?

Boss Tankhun walks to the bar and calls someone.

- Excuse me? Can I talk to you?

A short woman walks towards him.

- Yes sir...?

- Theerapanyakul. I'm Vegas' cousin, your boss. Is there a way to have a VIP area please, with free drinks?

- Hum...I don't think it's possible...I'll ask...

- vegas left but he said we could drink in his name. He will pay for us!

- That's what he told you?

- Yes! 

Pol, Arm and Pete put their hands over their mouths to keep from laughing. Boss Tankhun is ready to do anything to get what he wants, even to believe that Vegas will pay for our evening...Happy revenge! I can already imagine the face he will make when he sees our bill.

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