Chapter 40: Tiger's Eye, the real unknown

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3 months later

POV Kinn

Time passes slowly and pleasantly with Pete.

He was discharged from the hospital a month ago but still has to rest a little before returning to work.

Pete spends most of his time in my apartment, working with me on risk-free and intensity-free business. Pete must not be exposed to dangerous missions so as not to experience something dangerous.

Currently, he is taking a nap in his room while I am working on my sofa. A coffee on my coffee table, I look at my laptop screen.

I'm reading the latest news about Dad and Uncle Gun's research on Tiger's Eye.

No new progress. None of our contacts know the identity of the one who wants to harm us. He is a real ghost and even the information given to us by the Tanaka family does not help.

I sigh with frustration and put down my computer. I take a sip of my coffee and get up to go to my kitchen. I look in the fridge to see if I have something to eat in the fridge. My eyes ladle on a piece of chocolate cake.

I grab it and turn on myself.

And I see Pete... in one of my dressing gowns and barefoot.

I'm ready to bet that he's naked underneath.

I look at him in detail and look naughty.

For 3 months, namely since we reconciled, I have not asked for it sexually. I'm waiting for him to ask me.

Out of the question that I force him to do anything.

I give him a big smile.

- Hello Pete. Did you sleep well?

I approach him to give him a kiss on the forehead, a bit of my way of transmitting affection to him. Pete smiles at me warmly.

- Yes, slept well. I'm starting to get better in my pool. I believe that rehabilitation exercises are starting to pay off. Are you going to eat this cake? I can have a piece... please P'Kinn?

Pete approaches me and I ennount his seductive look.

We take our time to re-apply each other and Pete seems to appreciate the rhythm.

- Do you want some? So I'll give it to you. Sit on the couch with and... can I make you a coffee?

Pete rushes to the couch with the cake and says:

- Yes. I would like to.

So I start the coffee machine and start the conversation.

- Do you hear from Porsche? How is he?

- Yes, we exchange messages sometimes and he's fine. He can't get up from his bed yet but he doesn't lose hope of getting out of it. Boss Vegas is also in rehabilitation...and he doesn't like it. Can you imagine him complaining?

I bring him his coffee by imagining the growl of Vegas having to do his exercises.

- Are you talking to him? In Vegas?

Pete immediately shakes his head, almost terrified of my question.

- No, sir...I...I haven't...exchanged a single message with him since...since we have...

I put his coffee on the table, while he lowers his head. I heard him call me Mr. but I'm not going to pick him up.

- It's good, you fulfill your commitment.

Pete raises his head and crosses my eyes.

- Yes, I...I'm doing my best, P'Kinn... I no longer have contact with him and he didn't send me a message to revive me in anything and if he does I won't do anything because I'm... with you now.

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