Chapter 16: Sweet Kinn, Sweet Kim

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Pete's point of view

It's a little nervous and filled with apprehension as I quietly make my way to Boss Kinn's private quarters, in an outfit that in no way suggests that I'm about to spend the evening and possibly the night with him. I'm dressed in black pants, somewhat reminiscent of casual jogging, and one of my favorite black and white checkered shirts, slightly unbuttoned. Not that I do it especially for boss Kinn, that's how I like to put my shirts... anyway, whatever I put on, there's little chance that I'll stay dressed for the next few hours. Boss Kinn will surely want to take advantage of Porsche's absence to fuck me alone...unless I tell him no?

How would he react? Curiosity makes me want to try, just to see if he really listens to my needs. A naughty and mischievous smile takes possession of my face and I try to hide them as best I can when I see some of my fellow bodyguards pass by me. As the main head of Boss Tankhun's bodyguards, I have the right to great respect. The group I meet therefore takes the time to stop in front of me and bow.

This kind of procedure bothers me a little but I do my best to erase this hierarchical border when I can. So I bow back and wish them a good evening before continuing on my way. I pick up my phone and look at the time. It's just five to eight. I'll arrive a little late, I hope Boss Kinn won't listen to me. Porsche held me back a little, obviously not very happy that I left him alone tonight.

"Very hard to please that one. I spent all day with him. I let him do whatever he wanted with me sexually and physically, now it's Boss Kinn's turn."

I suddenly blushed, shocked by what my mind just said. I really need to calm down. I have already been fucked at least ten times today it will be a question of dosing with Boss Kinn.

I shake my head, as if to put my thoughts in place. I take the elevator that takes me to Boss Kinn's apartments and I go up to the very top floor of the main house. I don't meet anyone in the hallways, which reassures me a bit, but the closer I get to the front door separating me from my destination, the more excitement and nervousness take possession of my body. I knock on the door before doing my bimetric code and entering the lion's quarters. I move at a velvet pace, intimidated to find myself here, in a context outside of work.

I look around for Boss Kinn, whom I eventually find in his chair, his laptop on his lap, typing very quickly on the keyboard. At his side stands Big. He looks at me, I look at him and he seems surprised to see me here. He leans towards Boss Kinn and whispers:

- Sir? Pete is here...

Boss Kinn raises his head from his screen, gives me a pointed look and concentrates on his activity. I can see, just from his gestures and his behavior, that he doesn't appreciate my being five minutes late. He said coldly to Big:

- You can take your evening, Big. Pete takes over tonight. I believe that a certain Chan will be happy to find you.

Big turns red like a tomato. He refrains from smiling broadly. He stutters:

- I... ok sir... Thank you... I will...

Boss Kinn gives Big a simple wave to leave. This one does it without waiting, passes in front of me, while slipping me a quick smile. I give it back to him before refocusing on the one with whom I decided to spend the evening. Silence hovers in the living room. I feel tensions arise and it makes me uncomfortable. I look down at my shoes. Boss Kinn ends up saying:

- You're late Pete.

I jump up and straighten up immediately.

- I...

I meet his dark gaze. He looks irritated.

- When I say eight o'clock, it's eight o'clock...I asked you earlier if I needed to pick you up to take you here but you said no, that it was good, that you were going to arrive on time. (He abruptly puts his laptop down next to him. I jump, hesitating to flee but my legs don't move. I can only watch Boss Kinn get up and come towards me, his eyes hard and evil.) What- what held you back, huh?

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