Chapter 49: reunion and rework

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Two days later


I've been waiting for this moment to pick up Pete like it was one of the most important days of my life. Kinn did not stop fucking me during these two days, it partly made me feel good but I also found myself in situations where I did not want to do it but to please Kinn, I submitted has all his fantasies.

Kinn has become very attached to me, something I didn't think possible. Last year when I came into his life we hated each other and now we have become very very close. We're going to pick up Pete at the airport together.

Curiously, Kinn decided to take one of his big cars, with plenty of room in the back. He drives like crazy, happy to pick up his boyfriend.

- Kinn gently...

As if to reprimand me, Kinn gives me a pat on the thigh.

- I'm going as slowly as possible Porsche... it's just the cells of my body that are eager to find Pete's.

I shoot him with my eyes. He gives me a happy smile.

- Oh, but don't make that head, darling. Be happy to find Pete... you won't have to put up with my sex requests anymore... unless...

Kinn parks in an alled and leans over me.

- Kinn... no... we are late...

I stiffen when I see it melt on me.

- Why do you think I took this car today...? That way I can fuck you and Pete...

Kinn makes a perverse smile before regaining his place in the driver's seat. He restarts the engine and resumes the main road.

I breathe a little better but I stay on my guard when he puts his hand on my thigh.

- Do I have to prepare for the return then?

I'm turning red by saying that.

- Mmmh... no. I don't want to fuck in the car. We risk putting sperm everywhere and it will take time to clean everything. I have often asked you in recent days and you have let yourself go with a lot of dedication...

Kinn turns his head towards me smiling at me.

- I really appreciate this behavior.

I look at him briefly before looking away.

- I liked these moments spent with you, Kinn but if you were more attentive it would be good.

- I did something that didn't have to?

Kinn looks at me with the greatest seriousness in the world. I never forgot the fact that he raped me to punish me, the fact that I was traumatized for weeks before I could forgive him.

Sometimes, he did not listen to me when I told him no but I let myself go for the simple reason that I am attached to him and that I have a deep desire to want to please him absolutely.

I know it's not the right thing to do but I don't know how to get out of this situation.

I lower my head but I raise it right after.

- It's just that... sometimes... I don't want to do it but you yes so you... you... insist a little... I... I end up giving in so as not to make you angry and that we...

Kinn widens his eyes with terror. He stops the car again and takes my hand. I am appalled by this attitude but I let go.

- I'm sorry Porsche that you still have new bad memories of... of this period... I... I have to understand when you don't want to...

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