Chapter 53 : division and vicious strategy

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Today I am in a very good mood. I take, with Macau and Papa, the way to the main house. Dad is always fake warm with me and my little brother. But I don't pay attention to those little details. The idea of seeing Pete again makes me happy, even if the reason for our visit to the main house is not at all cordial.

Uncle Korn wishes to tell us a word about Tiger's Eye and what they know about the investigation launched several weeks ago.

We arrive in front of the meeting room. I meet Porsche's gaze when I enter the room. He waves at me, I wave to him too. Big and Pete are next to him, turns to me.

They bow to me and I could have sworn I saw Pete smiling at me.

I look at them briefly, holding my breath.
My heart beats very hard when I sit in my seat.

Porsche and Pete quickly part ways. I discover that Pete is going to stand in a corner, in front of me and that Porsche stays behind me. So I can watch the handsome bodyguard without bothering to hide.

Kinn is so focused on what Uncle Korn is saying that he doesn't look at me to see if I'm as involved as he is.

- ...Darknet to communicate with its allies. We were able, thanks to John Semsen's identifiers, to access the messages sent to him by Tiger's Eye, before the latter launched a virus on the contract killer's computer.

Dad speaks.

- We could ask Arm to hack the computer virus and collect all the Tiger's Eye data. I'm sure with his computer skills, we could trace Tiger's Eye's IP address and eventually find out where he's operating from.

Chan glances at Uncle Korn and intervenes.

- We won't let anyone in on the secret until we unmask the main house traitor.

Big, who is seated to the right of Uncle Korn, defends Papa's point of view.

- P'Chan...what Boss Korn says is not unmask Tiger's Eye we need to know the list of his collaborators and for that, we have to hack his Darknet IP address. ..if we manage to enter its database we will have...

Chan is stubborn. He shakes his head.

- No. I don't agree with involving more people. I discussed it with Boss Korn. He agrees with me. We will manage otherwise.

Dad and Big exchange a look.

- Oh yes? And how? Arm is the best computer guy we have around. We have to mobilize it on this one...we're not going to ask an internal partner to take care of it, are we?

Uncle Korn turns to me.

-'re good at hacking, aren't you?

I turn red when all eyes are on me.

- Well...I...yes but not as much as Arm, Uncle...I...I don't know how to hack things like the Darknet...

Porsche speaks.

- I can help sir.

I turn back to him as Kinn exclaims in surprise:

- You?

Porsche gives an embarrassed smile.

- Uh...yes...I...I was trained to hack pay my late rent and my credits...before I started working at your house...sir...I was hacking into the bank accounts of the rich to take fairly substantial sums from them, but not enough to attract attention...

Porsche turns red and Kinn comments:

- Well... I always learn from you...

He glances at Uncle Korn, who smiles as broadly as possible.

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