Chapter 29: Pete in the eye of Vegas [+18]

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Porsche point of view

I open the door to the bedroom I share with Pete in Boss Gun's house.

She remained in the same condition as when we left her two weeks ago, apart from a few details. The nightstands have been moved, so I guess Pol and Arm stuck their bed together to make one and sleep together.
This evening was difficult for me.

Having to deal with the presence of Boss Gun, after what happened last week...

Bearing the sight of Kinn so close to me...

To learn that my rape was the subject of several topics of conversation...

Hearing everyone remind me of what happened.

It was too much all of a sudden. A human being doesn't have to put up with all that.I sit on my bed, having put my suitcase next to me. I sigh, beaten down by all the weight of my existence. What happened tonight is swirling around in my head.

I kept watching Kinn. He lost weight. He was paler than usual, more tired too. I don't think he sleeps or eats as much and as well as before he raped me. I think this situation gnaws at him as much as it gnaws at me.

I kept listening to Kinn and what shocked me the most...they were the words that he said to defend me against Boss Gun who said that he didn't want me in his house anymore because of my insolence and my insubordination. He described me in a way and with words that I never thought would come so sincerely from his mouth.

He tried to apologize to me so many times but I didn't want to listen to him. That's probably why he decided to make a public apology, where he said he regretted what he had done to me.

He cares about me too. He understood that for both of us to get better, we had to get away from each other. Evolving in the same house was not a good idea.

This past week, Kinn hasn't come to bother me. He didn't dare approach Pete either. Even tonight, he barely spoke to us, or even approached us, except when necessary

He finally gives us space.
If he didn't want to fix things sincerely, he wouldn't have done it. Even though it hurts him, he made the choice to leave Pete to me and not look for him either.

He sacrifices himself for me.

By leaving me with someone... but by leaving myself without anyone.

I catch myself worrying about him. Does he have someone to support him as faithfully as Pete? I saw Kim supporting him throughout this high tension meeting. So I guess yes...

I sigh again, rubbing my eyes. Luckily we just finished eating. I couldn't bear to leave my room to go do it now. I'm so tired...not physically but mentally. I don't know what to do with Kinn anymore.

I'm not so disgusted by him anymore. I don't hate him anymore either. I haven't forgiven him.

It's very strange...but I think I'm still a little afraid of him...especially since he got violent with Boss Gun by punching him in the the same time that old crouton deserved it... he provoked!
I sit up on my bed and grab my phone to turn it on. Chay sent me a message. I hasten to read it, while tears of joy but also of sadness seize me.
I didn't tell him what happened to me and I'm not going to. My happiness is optional in this life. His is mandatory. I don't have to worry him. Chay also has his own anxieties. I'm not going to add my demons to him.

I wipe my tears to read the message.

"Hi my brother! I hope you are doing well. I miss you very much...I would like to see you in the next few weeks! You think it's possible...ask the main family for a week off , please, I have a lot of things to tell you...I will soon prepare for the entrance exam to the Bangkok University of Music, that of my idol WIK! I'm a little stressed and your support will do me good."

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