Chapter 85 : the manipulation

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Neutral pov

Since « Pete went to find his grandmother in northern Thailand », Porsche and Kinn have found a new dynamic in their daily lives. Pete's departure created a void in their trio, but they decided to stay strong and continue to live fully.

Porsche, the car enthusiast, has decided to devote more time to his passion. He began participating in local automotive events, meeting other enthusiasts and expanding his network in the automotive world. His collection of scale models has also grown, becoming a central point of his room.

Kinn, the most creative of the group, used his free time to focus on his artistic talents. He began to paint more, exploring new styles and experimenting with different techniques. His works began to attract local attention, and he even had the opportunity to participate in a community art exhibition.

In Pete's absence, Porsche and Kinn also strengthened their friendship. They spent more time together, exploring the city, trying new restaurants and developing new traditions. The two friends have found a balance in their lives without Pete, but still have a hope of seeing him again one day.

Pete's sudden departure to take care of his grandmother in northern Thailand left Porsche and Kinn in uncertainty. Although Pete announced his departure to Boss Korn by phone, he gave no indication of the duration of his absence or the exact nature of the difficulties his grandmother was facing.

Porsche and Kinn find themselves living without news of their friend, and the lack of communication is beginning to raise concerns. They tried to contact Pete, but the calls are not returned, and the messages remain unanswered.

The days go by without Pete giving a sign of life, and the anguish grows among his friends. Porsche and Kinn are beginning to wonder if they should undertake a trip to join him, but the lack of concrete information retains them. They support each other, sharing their concern for Pete, but the mystery around his situation weighs on their minds.

No one among them suspects that Pete is living the worst days of his life. Indeed, the event Pete is going through is much darker and more complex than Kinn and Porsche could have imagined. Prisoner of Boss Gun, also known as Tiger, for almost a week, Pete has endured physical and emotional abuse that puts his resilience to the test.

Locked up in the secret prison of Boss Gun/Tiger, Pete finds himself isolated from any support. The days become a chain of suffering, marked by cruel moments and brutal treatment. Pete tries to keep hope, thinking of his friends Porsche and Kinn who must wonder where he went. However, communication with the outside world is strictly limited, and it is difficult for him to find a way to contact his relatives to inform them of his situation.

To keep Pete's disappearance secret and not to raise suspicions of a kidnapping, Boss Gun managed to pose as the hospital in which Pete's grandmother is supposedly hospitalized. Presuring to be a nurse, with the help of a voice modifier, he transmitted good news to Korn about Pete's grandmother, saying that his days are no longer counting but that the presence of his grandson was essential for an optimal recovery. This is how Boss Korn, Porsche, Kinn and the whole main family began to live in blind confidence in this false diagnosis.

Nothing proving to them that Pete is fighting for his physical and mental survival in the threatening shadow of Boss Gun, they all continue to live their lives normally.

But not everyone is fooled. Vegas feels that Pete did not leave for northern Thailand. He spent the two days following his first discovery reviewing all the surveillance cameras in his house, questioning some of his most fervent supporters among servants and bodyguards.

There is no shortage of revelations.

- Dad often goes to his office and every time he comes out, his clothes are stained with blood. My instinct tells me that Pete is in danger because of my father but...I don't understand...

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